Some people believe they never dream, but the many studies regarding the phenomenon of dreaming indicate we all dream every night. We simply choose whether or not to remember our dreams.
by Sandra SunDreamer —
Dreams teach us many things about ourselves. Sometimes they forewarn us; other times they challenge us to look beyond the symbols for hidden meanings. Spirit speaks to us in many ways — dreams are just one of those ways.
Some people believe they never dream, but the many studies regarding the phenomenon of dreaming indicate we all dream every night. We simply choose whether or not to remember our dreams.
One way to help us better remember our dreams is to tell ourselves before we go to sleep to remember them, and then write them down in as much detail as possible immediately upon waking. Then, we can refer to a dream dictionary, recording the interpretation of every symbol in the dream. Read the interpretations when you are finished, and you will see a story emerge — the story of the dream.
People who appear in your dreams sometimes represent themselves, but they can also symbolize what those figures mean to you: father — authority; mother — nurturing; etc. If you dream about an animal three times, or it appears in groups of three or more, it may have a “medicine” gift for you, in the form of a teaching. For example, dolphins teach us about life, while skunks teach about the proper use of energy.
The animals may also appear to us to offer some sort of help. Bear’s gift is a teaching about introspection and intuition, but he can also be a great protector to call upon when we feel scared. Several books have been written about animal medicine powers that can help you better understand animal symbols.
Keeping a dream journal will help you see personal patterns and understand what certain symbols mean. We are here to learn about ourselves through all levels of consciousness, whether awake or in our dreams — so pay attention.
Sandra SunDreamer is an intuitive counselor, healer, teacher and author of The 4 Winds, 4 Feathers Earth Oracle. She gives readings, does dream interpretation and teaches workshops to help you open to your intuitive gifts. 480-474-2188 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 5, October/November 2005.
July 18, 2013
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Intuition, Peace / peace of mind, Self-improvement, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical