Sources of these EMFs are cell phones, cell towers, power lines, computers, halogen lights, wireless Internet, cordless phones, TVs and virtually all of our electrical energy-saving devices.
by Betsy Timmerman —
Common symptoms that define fibromyalgia are feeling unrefreshed after sleep and cognitive dysfunction, including impaired memory or concentration and persistent muscle pain.
These symptoms are the same ones that people with electrical hypersensitivity experience. Could dirty electricity be magnifying or triggering the symptoms of fibromyalgia? Recent evidence points more conclusively to that possibility.
Declassified government documents declare that dirty electricity (which can lead to electrical hypersensitivity) causes symptoms that include muscle spasm, tingling, numbness, leg and foot pain, flu-like symptoms and fever, depression, headaches, sleep disorders, chronic fatigue, anxiety, nausea, memory loss and weakness.
It makes sense that dirty electricity could be a trigger for fibromyalgia symptoms and many other diseases. Dirty electricity is actually contaminated electricity that runs at higher frequencies than the electricity in our homes. We are used to 60 Hz running through the wires in our homes, but with higher levels of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) contaminating our energy sources, our bodies are subject to higher vibratory energies that negatively affect our cells.
Sources of these EMFs are cell phones, cell towers, power lines, computers, halogen lights, wireless Internet, cordless phones, TVs and virtually all of our electrical energy-saving devices. They all generate high levels of dirty electricity with potentially harmful consequences for our health.
These high frequency EMFs are much more dangerous than our homes’ low-frequency wiring because they actually radiate out from the wires in the form of radio waves that penetrate the human body and potentially cause a lot of harm.
In 2005, the World Health Organization announced that electrical hypersensitivity or EHS is a “growing worldwide health concern.” EMFs have also been linked to many diseases, including fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue syndrome. The effect is thought to depend on an individual’s sensitivity, as well as the magnitude, duration of exposure and path the waves take through one’s body.
So what are we to do if this EMF energy is invading our bodies and space continually? Exposure during the day is impossible to avoid, but you can use the speakerphone button on your cell phone. Sleeping time needs to be as EMF-free as possible so our bodies can recuperate from the daily assaults.
Whenever possible, install filters in your outlets, put your cell phone in another room, shut off your WiFi at night, use a portable radio if you must have one in the bedroom and unplug any electrical devices in your room. Check to see if you have a Smart meter that measures your electrical use and have it switched out. This is a very high source of pluming EMFs entering your home. You may find that just doing this will clear up many of your physical symptoms.
An increasing number of people appears to be affected by the electrical devices that surround us. Illnesses with no known cause could very well be influenced by these unseen, harmful EMFs. Do yourself a favor and protect yourself and your loved ones from the dangers of this new technology.
Betsy Timmerman is a certified myotherapist, exercise therapist, fibromyalgia educator, therapeutic lifestyle educator and certified hypnotherapist. She leads fibromyalgia workshops, community college classes and designs fibromyalgia recovery programs. She is the owner of EastWest Pain Solutions in Peoria, Ariz. eastwestpainsolutions.com. 623-251-7547, 617-943-5570 or [email protected].
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 6, December 2012/January 2013.
February 22, 2013
Alzheimer's and Dementia, Anxiety, Chemical and Toxic Exposure, December/January 2013 Issue, Depression, Fatigue, Fibromyalgia, Headache, Home and Garden, Pain