With the challenge of finding a seasoned aesthetician who can offer you what you are looking for in skincare, many people have contacted me with questions concerning the facial-skin treatment called micro-dermabrasion.
by Linda Leibl —
With the challenge of finding a seasoned aesthetician who can offer you what you are looking for in skincare, many people have contacted me with questions concerning the facial-skin treatment called micro-dermabrasion. Let me share the following story.
Deborah Morgaina, my client for 11 years, assisting companies with their bookkeeping, billing and filing systems. What follows is Deborah’s story.
“I’m a 50-something-year-old professional woman, trying to slow down my aging process. I exercise regularly, drink lots of water, keep my stress levels down, take vitamins, get plenty of sleep and focus on maintaining a positive attitude.
“In spite of all that, I felt my skin could use some attention. I was aging quickly, and I wasn’t getting compliments about my skin anymore.
“My complexion had a dull, lifeless appearance. Fine lines had appeared around my eyes and the brown patches on my cheeks had darkened. Even my foundation didn’t cover the large pores around my nose and cheek areas. So I began to research treatments that would not be painful or hurt my skin and would allow me to go to work the next day with make-up on.
“After trying several facilities in the Valley, I found that, although a facial was relaxing, I did not get the results I wanted. Next, I tried glycolic peels, but I still wanted more.
“Then, I saw an ad for laser resurfacing and consulted with a doctor. He told me that I would not be able to go to work the next day, and my skin would be pink for six to nine months. He also said the treatment would cost more than $2,000, which simply was not in my budget.
“As I continued my search, I hoped to find a facial-skin treatment that would offer more than the glycolic peels, but less than laser resurfacing. Then, one day I had lunch with a friend who I hadn’t seen in several months. Somehow, she looked different. Her skin seemed to glow. When asked what she had done differetnly, she said a friend had referred her to Linda at Advanced Skin Technology.
“My friend said she hadn’t wanted a facelift either. She had also tried several other places, but was looking for something more. She said Linda’s treatment was relaxing. Afterward, she felt great and was able to go to work the next day. She felt a slight sensation in her skin, but her skin looked wonderful. She said Linda had used additional equipment with her and had given her a more thorough facial than she had experienced with any of the other treatments she had received.
“I was excited to call for my free consultation with Linda and have more of my questions answered. When I arrived, I was led into a room that looked like a doctor’s office. Linda began an in-depth consultation and showed me some impressive before-and-after photos.
“After the consultation, I was asked to slip into a gown and lie down on a facial table. To my surprise, the table vibrated. Linda tries to make the precious time you spend with her memorable. Next, she prepared my skin for the treatment, cleansing my face and neck and removing my eye makeup. She also gave a demonstration so I would feel completely comfortable before she began the treatment on my face.
“Linda began the treatment with a gentle vacuum of very fine crystals on my forehead area; she then worked her way down my face, from ear to ear, past the neck, including the neck area. Some technicians do not include the neck, or they may change extra. I also had my chest area done a couple of times to repair the sun damage there.
“I found the treatment very relaxing and the entire ambiance was pleasant. To enhance my results from the treatment, Linda used custom-blended products on my face and a few extra-special treats to accelerate my results and make my skin respond faster.
“I’ve had an 11-year relationship with Linda, during which she has educated me and assisted me in making confident decisions about my skin. I feel that with her almost 20 years of expertise in cosmetics, makeup and skincare, the answers she gives me are precise and sincere. I am very happy with my results and plan to stay on a monthly maintenance program. I have definitely slowed down the aging process and have greatly improved my complexion.
Linda L. Leibl, B.S., has been a clinical aesthetician since 1986 and founded Advanced Skin Technology in 1993 in Scottsdale, Ariz. She works as an educator and District Manager with Arbonne International. [email protected], www.SharingTheMagic.My Arbonne.com or 480-443-3445.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
July 5, 2013
Beauty, Beauty and Anti-aging, Skin