Every time you judge others, you subconsciously are judging some aspect of yourself. Knowing this, why would you continue to make judgments about others?
by Sherry Anshara —
Have you ever considered how judgment affects and influences your life? Consider this: Every time you judge others, you subconsciously are judging some aspect of yourself. Knowing this, why would you continue to make judgments about others?
Judgment diminishes your own self-worth while also giving you an excuse to project invalidation upon someone else. The “he, she or they” has to be straightened out or corrected because the person or persons should know better. You know better, right? But this “righteousness program” is a limited perception that only results in emotional and physical pain for both the judged and the judger.
The fact is that judgment or criticism of a person, group or situation stems from your own past incomplete issues. And while these issues remain unresolved, it is easier to judge the person or the circumstance than to examine what is at the core of your own issues.
Also take into account that your vision is skewed by your fear of being judged. So take the pressure off of yourself. Stop rationalizing that it is the other person, group or situation that is off. In reality, you have no idea what other people’s journeys have been, what experiences they have had in life or what judgments they have imposed upon themselves. On the flip side, neither have they walked in your shoes.
So, stop wasting your time and energy focusing on others’ problems. Indeed, why get involved at all? Be it family, friends or “frienemies,” everyone is on their own journey, including you. If you keep jumping into relationships and situations that trigger you to point your judgmental finger, stop and look at yourself instead.
End the journey to nowhere. Get consciously involved in your own life. Embrace who you are and what you are being and doing. Embrace each day as if it were the first day of your life. Never judge yourself or anyone again. Instead, journey to everywhere and enjoy your life.
Sherry Anshara is a medical intuitive, author, founder of the QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness, creator of the QuantumPathic® Energy Method and founder/president of the Blended Healthcare Consortium in Scottsdale, Ariz. [email protected], 480-609-0874, www.quantumpathic.com or www.sherryanshara.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 6, December 2012/January 2013.
February 16, 2013
December/January 2013 Issue, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Philosophical, Relationships, Self-improvement