Most people are living lives of desperation, not inspiration. They are not doing what they love, nor loving what they do. They are not grateful for life. They have their foot on the brake, rather than on the gas pedal.
by Dr. John F. Demartini —
When you inspire other individuals to do what they want in life they, in turn, help you get what you want in life. Inspiration is very important.
How do we generate inspiration? How do we keep ourselves in that inspired state?
In searching for the secret of inspiration for many years, I have observed that there is a science to it. It is called the science of gratitude, or the ability to stay grateful. Gratitude keeps you inspired. When we see things but we’re not grateful, we live in fear and guilt. When we see things with gratitude, we live in love and inspiration. We are appreciative.
I have learned a little secret. Every single morning, before I get out of bed, and every single night, before I go to sleep, I spend perhaps five, 10 or 15 minutes counting blessings, thinking about everything in my life for which I am grateful. I also find this is great activity to do after lunch, simply sitting and meditating for a moment and delving into a state of gratitude. Think about all your blessings and all the reasons you have for expressing gratitude. Then, ask your inner source, your inner vitality, “Do you have a message for me?” Ask your inner being, “Do you have a message of inspiration for me?”
An inspiration, in the form of a picture, a vision or a message, will come to me about what I am to do, of what is next in my life. I write it down. When I get another inspiration, I write that one down. I fill my life with these idea-inspiring messages and visions. I have said for many years that when the inspired vision and message on the inside becomes greater than all the people’s opinions on the outside, you have mastered your life. You’re now living a life of inspiration, not a life of desperation.
Most people are living lives of desperation, not inspiration. They are not doing what they love, nor loving what they do. They are not grateful for life. They have their foot on the brake, rather than on the gas pedal. They stay busy blaming the world around them and their circumstances for the events of their lives.
Become a man or woman of wisdom, in the sense of inspiration. Follow your heart. Let yourself be grateful. Before you go to bed, and before you get up, count your blessings and ask for an inner message from your innermost being. Watch them come to you — and act on them. When you follow your intuition and inspirations, don’t do so in a way that beats yourself up. Build up yourself and your dreams.
If you do not, watch how quickly you sabotage yourself. Have you ever been in a situation where you said, “Oh, I wish I had followed my intuition on that!” This is the secret of following your intuition and inspiration. Every single day, train yourself to listen to your inner voice. If you listen to your inspirations with gratitude every single day, you’ll live an inspired life. Follow the Law of Inspiration. Make it your life.
Dr. John F. Demartini is the author of Count Your Blessings: You Can Have an Amazing life in Just 60 Days, The Healing Power of Gratitude and Love and The Breakthrough Experience: A Revolutionary New Approach to Personal Transformation. He is the founder of the Concourse of Wisdom School of Self-Mastery and Leadership and creator of “The Breakthrough Experience.” www.drdemartini.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 4, August/September 2005.
December 11, 2013
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Gratitude, Love, Spiritual