Thank God these wonderful living, breathing angels — my friends — showed me the way out of my temporary illusions. They believed in me when I forgot to believe in myself.
by Sherry Anshara —
Reflecting back, I can remember so many of the angels who journeyed with me on my path. These angels were not from other dimensions and realms — they were real people.
Many of them came into my life at that perfect moment when I was out of sorts, having a pity party or suffering some illusional trauma-drama of my own creation. Thank God these wonderful living, breathing angels — my friends — showed me the way out of my temporary illusions. They believed in me when I forgot to believe in myself.
I call these times my memory lapses. During these lapses, my wonderful friends showed up to remind me what I was doing here in the first place. No matter what, my trusted friends were there for me.
Because of our friends, difficult times do not seem quite as challenging. Friends listen, when no one else will. They hear us, when no one else can. They laugh with us and cry with us. They know our deep, innermost secrets and do not judge us. They are just there for us. They are loyal even when we sometimes cannot be there for them because we are so caught up in our own stuff. True friends show up and hold us up. We know that friendship is supposed to be a two-way street, yet sometimes these angels stand on both sides of the path for us when we cannot stand for ourselves.
During the holidays and into the New Year, do not forget the angels in your life. Take time to remember your living angels, your trusted friends. Be deliberate — send them a special thank you. Tell them how much you appreciate their friendship. Let them know from your heart what they mean to you.
To all the angels — to all the friends and all the friendships.
Sherry Anshara, founder of QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness and originator of The QuantumPathic Energy Medicine Methodology, has a practice in Scottsdale, Ariz. Author of The Age of Inheritance: The Activation of the 13th Chakras, Sherry hosts “On the Air with Sherry Anshara” on AchieveRadio.com. www.quantumpathic.com, [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 6, December 2005/January 2006.
May 14, 2013
Anxiety, Coping, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Gratitude, Happiness, Holidays, Lifestyle, Self-improvement, Success