Slanting, or lying on a gentle incline with feet up, has all the benefits of total inversion, minus the intense stress.
by Julia Busch —
Slanting, or lying on a gentle incline with feet up, has all the benefits of total inversion, minus the intense stress. The process helps to gently counter the pull of gravity and balance the strain of ligaments, muscles and organs.
Devotees swear that a 20-minute daily slant staves off the need for a facelift entirely. Experts say 30 minutes reverses dropped organs in about a month. And those practicing acupressure facelift exercises find that stimulating the facial points while slanting, produces faster results.
Comfy slanting furniture of upholstered, triangular wedges that fold into clever, family-room ottomans are available in the marketplace. But an extra wide, well-padded ironing board will do in a pinch. Simply elevate the foot end 18 to 24 inches, taking care that it’s nonslip and secure. Wear nonbinding clothing, lie down and relax, slanting for no more than five minutes. Little by little, work up to 20 or 30 minutes, staying a minute or two longer each day.
To make a permanent slant board, cut a piece of half-inch exterior plywood 6 feet x 16 inches (or wider and longer depending on your size). Pad your board with cotton batting or foam. Cover it with vinyl or a durable material stapled in place on the underside. For serious slanting, secure a strap across the foot end, under which both feet can be easily slipped. Once feet are held in place, gentle, easy movements to tone your body can be undertaken.
Before starting, contact your health care professional, especially if you have high blood pressure, have had head or eye surgery, are prone to strokes or have problems with retinal detachment.
Editor’s Note: This column is for informational purposes only. Any application of the information contained in this column is done strictly at the risk of the user.
Julia Busch is president of Anti-Aging Press, Inc., editor of the So Young™ anti-aging holistic newsletter and author of 10 books. For a free in-depth report on slanting, an acupressure facelift and other anti-aging self-help, leave your name and postal address at: 800-SO-YOUNG (800-769-6864) or julia2@gate.net.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 6, December 2008/January 2009.
August 27, 2012
Anti-aging, Beauty and Appearance, Bodywork, Self-esteem