Making Healthy Choices for Senior Living: A Guide for an Enriched Retirement
by Kenneth D. Barringer, Ph.D. —
Successful senior living does not just happen by itself. Retirement needs a plan and key information to make these rich years happy and healthy ones.

This book is intended to be a guide to make that happen in your life. It is filled with positive suggestions and clues to help you decide to live a wellness lifestyle in your retirement years.
Barringer helps retirees prepare for the aging process and plan to make good decisions about the challenges of aging well.
Our senior life can be the “golden years,” but healthy living comes with responsible life choices.
This book is intended to be a guide to make that happen in your life.
It is filled with positive suggestions and clues to help you decide to live a wellness lifestyle in your retirement years.
The book is built on the concept that we all need to be better decision makers about the quality of our life as we age.
It is also based on the assumption that we do make self-destructive choices, which can harm our health (e.g., obesity).
Barringer’s message is focused on our need to establish a pattern of making responsible life choices.
The content of this resource is full of positive suggestions to accomplish that goal.
It is a helpful guide for a successful retirement, but it needs to be read by all adults, regardless of age, so they are better prepared to live a healthy lifestyle in their golden years.
Barringer also suggests that all of us could benefit enormously if we would gather as a community throughout our country to discuss how we can make better choices on these important decisions for our future.
$19.95 or $29.95 hardcover —
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 3, June/July 2015.
June 18, 2015
Book review, June/July 2015 Issue