Making the connection within yourself

When you experience a pain in your neck, make the connection. The neck is your throat chakra, so perhaps the issue is that you are not speaking your truth.
by Sherry Anshara —
Do you realize that when you experience pain in your body, it is your body’s way of communicating with you? Have you ever considered that the origin of this discomfort may not be connected to the specific part of your body experiencing the pain? Has it ever occurred to you that the origin of the pain may be connected to another time or experience in your life that you simply have forgotten?
Through pain, your body is trying to get your attention. How can we begin to listen?
Because your body is so resilient and has an incredible capacity to handle stress and emotional issues, it can absorb quite a lot. But is it really necessary to put your body through all this emotional effort on a regular basis? Is it worth it? When you deny your emotional issues or ignore the fact that your body is stressed out and tired, your body does break down.
You do not have to play macho with your body, doing the “I’m tough, I can take it,” “I can handle anything,” or “I am responsible for everyone else” routines. Whether you pretend you’re OK or not, over a period of time, your body just breaks down. You can give your body a break by beginning to resolve those issues that are hurting you.
When you experience a pain in your neck, make the connection. The neck is your throat chakra, so perhaps the issue is that you are not speaking your truth. Your throat chakra is connected to your feet; therefore, if you are not addressing your truth, you will get stuck or blocked in life and you will not move forward productively. You may feel like you are moving forward every day but, nonetheless, you may be stuck on a particular issue.
Pain in the knees, sometimes resulting in knee surgery, originates in the shoulders. This represents taking on too much responsibility that really does not belong to you. If you feel responsible for everyone in your life, that’s a lot of weight and molecules to “shoulder.” With that much weight, no wonder the knees are hurting in their attempt to hold up all those people. Why replace your knees, when you can eliminate the burden from your knees — and shoulders — and free yourself of the excess weight?
The ailments of sinusitis, colds, respiratory issues, earaches and asthma are connected to your first chakra, which houses all your belief systems and your relationships, especially your family. Sinus medicine cannot clear your first chakra of emotional issues lodged in your sinus cavities. Only you have the power to resolve those for yourself.
Your jaws are connected to your generative chakra, or your hips. The consciousness of TMJ is directly related to the misalignment of this chakra and your creativity. So if you are experiencing TMJ or another jaw misalignment, check in with your generative chakra to see if you really like what you are creating. If you find yourself clenching your jaws or grinding your teeth, you actually are blocking yourself from creating a much more fulfilling life.
Going forward, when your body has a pain, ask it, “What’s going on?” And start paying attention to the answers. What is the real issue? Your body is not separate from you. Without it, you wouldn’t be here. Listen to your body, and love it unconditionally. It is the only body you have right here, right now. So treat it like the treasure it is.
Sherry Anshara is the founder of QuantumPathic Center of Consciousness. She is a QuantumPathic Energy Therapist, medical intuitive and author., [email protected] or 480-609-0874.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.
March 30, 2015
Chakras, Featured, February/March 2005 Issue, Pain