Mala of the Heart: 108 Sacred Poems

April 15, 2012

Book review

Filled with crystalline wisdom from the great poets, sages, saints and mystics, this selection of poems is a collective expression of universal heart-filled wisdom.

edited by Ravi Nathwani and Kate Vogt

This collection of timeless poetry celebrates the eternal spiritual truth within each heart. Since ancient times, this hidden essence has been symbolized by the number 108. There are 108 earthly desires, 108 human feelings, 108 delusions, 108 beads in the traditional meditation mala and 108 sacred poems in this anthology.

Filled with crystalline wisdom from the great poets, sages, saints and mystics, this selection of poems is a collective expression of universal heart-filled wisdom.

Spanning a wide range of cultures and civilizations — from India to Europe, Japan and the Middle East — each one offers a unique perspective about the path to awakening. Some of the poems express belief in a higher being. Some convey instantaneous awakening. Others lead the reader down a disciplined path of contemplation.

Ordered according to a broad interpretation of the heart-centered chakra model, these remarkable poems guide the reader toward realization and offer timeless jewels of insight to spark awakening and enrich spiritual practice.

$17 hardcover — New World Library, 14 Pamaron Way, Novato, CA 94949.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 29, Number 1, February/March 2010.

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