Malory Band

Malory Band

It will not make you slim, but can prove a very effective solution to your weight loss goals.

It will not make you slim, but can prove a very effective solution to your weight loss goals.

by Malory Band —

Inspired by a centuries-old technique, a Malory Band is a narrow, adjustable cord that is worn around the waist and will feel tighter as you eat, keeping you conscious of the quantity of food that you consume.

The band acts as a psychological alarm to your conscious mind, motivating you to eat less and encouraging great posture.

It will not make you slim, but can prove a very effective solution to your weight loss goals.

You simply put the band around your middle while you are standing up or lying down — snug but not tight.

You push the nickel-free button through the button hole that fits you in the polyester band, and that is it.

By understanding the connection between our emotions, feelings, thoughts and food, the secrets of successful weight loss can begin to unravel.

The band will not stretch, break, rub, fray or retain water, and it can be worn 24/7.

Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 33, Number 4, August/September 2014.

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