Manifest joy, love and prosperity through breathwork

Most of us simply take breathing for granted, yet the average person takes from 12 to 15 breaths per minute — that’s 20,000 breaths over a 24-hour period — and oxygenates more than 27 trillion cells in the body with each breath.
by Ray (Ishnah) Solanki —
Most of us simply take breathing for granted, yet the average person takes from 12 to 15 breaths per minute — that’s 20,000 breaths over a 24-hour period — and oxygenates more than 27 trillion cells in the body with each breath.
Most people are predominantly chest breathers, with shallow breath. In this method of breathing, the breathflow (oxygen) tends to concentrate in the top two-thirds of the lungs, an area that is significantly less blood rich than the lower portion. When breathing shallowly, you have to breathe more rapidly to allow the proper amount of oxygen into the body. This means the lungs and heart have to work harder than would be the case if you breathed deeply.
When you are angry, stressed or emotionally upset, you tend to breathe much more quickly and with shallower breaths. This results in your pulse rate elevating, your blood pressure rising and too little oxygenation for all your cells.
Breathing more deeply into the lungs and abdomen provides a rich concentration of oxygen that enables the blood to move through all the cells in the body. During deep breathing, your heart beats much more slowly yet sends out an equal amount of oxygen. The rate of your pulse slows, your blood pressure decreases and there is less strain on the heart, creating less fatigue.
Numerous beneficial physiological mechanisms are triggered when we turn our attention to the breath and increase its flow. When the breathflow capacity, rate and attention level are altered, dramatic physiological and emotional changes occur.
Deep, diaphragmatic breathing from the abdomen increases oxygen intake and reduces your breaths to as many as 6 to 8 per minute, or 10,000 breaths over a 24-hour period. All your cells are thus fully oxygenated in an efficient manner, without strain or fatigue. Fully oxygenating all the cells strengthens the immune system, calms the mind, relaxes the body and provides more energy.
Breathing is an automatic or unconscious process, so it is difficult for most people to continuously focus and breathe deeply from the abdomen.
A breathwork program, with conscious diaphragmatic breathing from the abdomen with a circular, rhythmic breathflow, is extremely relaxing to the autonomic nervous system and mind. This breathing creates an extreme relaxed state that connects your body’s circuits with the life force energy (prana, chi or ki). The circular, rhythmic breathwork meditation process channels the life force energy through the subtle energy channels (nadis), the meridians, the seven energy centers (chakras) and the subtle bodies (emotional, mental and spiritual), all of which allow new vibrant energy to flow into your system and old energy to be flushed out.
Our life patterns are built upon our existing belief systems, past thoughts, feelings and experiences. All negative thoughts, feelings, words and actions (e.g., criticisms, judgments, guilt issues, victimizations, hatred, hurtfulness toward ourselves and others) create energy blocks in our physical, emotional and mental bodies. These blockages lower a person’s vibration and energy frequency level.
Einstein’s theories illustrated that all matter, at its subatomic level, is energy in motion. Matter equates to all physical things, including our bodies. All energy vibrates at a specific frequency range. Everything in this universe — every thought, feeling, word, action, individual, group, city, country, planet — is made up of subtle energy and has its own rate of vibration and frequency range. The subtle energy is manifested by the life force energy.
The life force energy, comprised of pure light and pure compassionate love, exists at the highest level of vibration and frequency range. Contamination of the subtle energy by negativity (lack of pure love and light) creates energy blockages and makes the vibration of the subtle energy denser, which lowers any physical body’s frequency range.
The more dense a person’s vibration and frequency level, the more blockages and issues they have in their flow of life. Their chakras and auras are clogged, causing an inefficient flow of energy in their systems; their ability to process and manifest their desires is comparatively low; they have a low level of focus, clarity and direction and they are more prone to dis-ease and survival issues. They tend to lack love, joy and prosperity in their lives.
Chakra meditation with the diaphragmatic, circular, rhythmic breathwork program activates the flow of life force energy in all areas of the body (physical, mental, emotional and spiritual). A vibrant new energy flow then releases suppressed emotions, clears chakras and energy blockages, clears negative thought patterns and expands the higher or spiritual heart. When energy flows without obstruction through all areas of the body, optimal health is experienced.
Our vibration level and frequency range are raised every time we experience a breathwork session. The process sharpens our focus, providing more clarity and direction. We are able to manifest our desires more quickly and live a better life with more love, joy and prosperity.
Ray (Ishnah) Solanki is the program director and co-founder of the Center for Self-Transformation in Plano, Texas. He conducts breathwork and spiritual awakening programs throughout the U.S. or 972-897-5454.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 2, April/May 2005.
May 28, 2014
April/May 2005 Issue, Featured, Health