Moving beyond setbacks

Past-life work can lead to significant transformations in how you view yourself and the world; it is, in fact, highly spiritual work.
by Ann C. Barham —
Do you have a problem or personal setback where you cannot pinpoint its origin? Is there some intangible detail that is stopping you from reaching your full potential? Past-life regression therapy is now a mainstream solution for answering these questions. Whether uncovering real past lives or not, this approach has helped many people resolve issues and get past stuck points that were resistant to other therapeutic approaches.
Past-life regression therapy uses techniques such as hypnosis and deep relaxation to break through unconscious personal barriers in a safe and effective way. For many people, it uncovers experiences in what appear to be prior lifetimes that are blocking their current success, framing these experiences in ways that can be understood and worked through.
Past-life work can lead to significant transformations in how you view yourself and the world; it is, in fact, highly spiritual work. People often come away with a greater realization of the eternal nature of their being, their connection to others and a closer experience of the love-filled energy that underlies all life.
In past-life therapy, we regress (go backward) to the source of issues and concerns based in prior life experiences. The work is based upon the premise that we are eternal beings or souls who carry forward learning and experiences from one human lifetime to another. As eternal souls, we experience physical life on Earth in a series of human bodies and associated personalities. On a soul level, we choose each life circumstance as a means of challenging ourselves with new situations and opportunities for learning.
This technique appeals to people of varying belief systems looking to cope with depression, guilt, difficult relationships, physical impairments and more.
Ann C. Barham is a licensed marriage and family therapist licensed in California, and a certified regression therapist with the International Board of Regression Therapy.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 5, October/November 2015.
November 5, 2015
Featured, October/November 2015 Issue, Self-improvement