The basis for myofascial release is the use of light, sustained pressure into the system, like a spring door closing on a cabinet.
by Maria Troia —
Have you been looking for a deeper experience from your energy work? If so, you might consider the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach™.
While the human aura extends beyond the physical body and can be affected by off-the-body energy work, the energy meridians are encased in the fascial system, a web of three-dimensional connective tissue. When practitioners work with the auric level while the deeper energetic pathways are entrapped in tight connective tissue, they are only knocking at the door.
The basis for myofascial release is the use of light, sustained pressure into the system, like a spring door closing on a cabinet. Leaning into the system with a lightweight and steady pressure allows the tissue to soften and release, freeing the energy flow in the body at its deepest levels. Superficial energy work cannot accomplish this.
It is also important to note that the fascial system is primarily composed of water. Because vibration runs through water, this is a significant consideration when healing your energy body. If this fluid-like tissue becomes glued down by stress, poor posture, injury or various other factors, energy becomes stagnant, bringing about a state of physical and emotional disease. Superficial energy work that does not address this fluid tissue will yield temporary results at best because the deepest energy pathways have not been opened.
When these deep pathways are affected, cellular memory is adversely affected, as well. Healing happens at the physical, mental and emotional levels, allowing deep-set traumatic memories to be released, and energy blocks cleared.
Although it is known by many as structural work, myofascial release actually feels like energy work to most because it is gentle and soothing, and allows for the renewed flow of energy throughout the body. Physical relief is experienced, along with a feeling of emotional ease and balance.
Maria Troia, MSEd, LMT, NCTMB, CH is trained in the John F. Barnes’ Myofascial Release Approach™ and AMMA Therapy® and is certified by the Bach Foundation. She is a NCBTMB continuing education provider and owner of East-West Holistic Healing Arts in Old Town Scottsdale, Ariz. 480-313-6260 or www.EastWestHolistic.net.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 4, Aug/Sept 2011.
February 23, 2012
Healing, Health, Myofascial release, Natural therapies