Using powerful shamanic tools, individuals can combine their healing intentions with the intelligent field of creating to affect tangible change in the world.
by Nicki Scully and Mark Hallert —
A natural follow-up to Scully’s Alchemical Healing, this book serves as a guide to navigate the coming global transformation and to help co-create a new Golden Age. Scully, who is a Shamanic healer, and Hallert, a visionary, reveal how to move beyond feeling helpless and overwhelmed by global crises so we can make a difference in the world through active participation in healing ourselves, our families, our communities and the planet.
Sharing compelling accounts of shamanic responses to such epic disasters as Chernobyl, the terrorist attacks of 9/11 and the massive Gulf of Mexico oil spill in 2010, as well as tales of personal healing, the authors offer initiatory journeys and visualization exercises that empower readers to engage in physical, emotional, spiritual and environmental healing across time and space.
Using powerful shamanic tools, such as the Heart Breath, Breaking Reality Barriers and Transforming Fear, individuals can combine their healing intentions with the intelligent field of creating to affect tangible change in the world and tackle issues such as pollution-based diseases, natural and man-made disasters, environmental degradation and conscious evolution.
The tools, practices and processes they offer are designed to help readers realize new ideas at a faster pace and increase creativity in solving problems.
The book, which is accompanied by a 78-minute CD of a guided visualization ceremony, inspires us to explore the frontiers of individual and shared consciousness, to achieve transformation at the deepest levels of our being, resulting in a potent release of energy, creativity and healing for ourselves, our children and our world.
$18 — Bear & Company, One Park St., Rochester, VT 05767.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 2, April/May 2012.
April 12, 2012
Book review, Featured, was on front page