Power up your intuition with blue stones

To help us access our intuitive selves, the use of indigo or deep-blue colored stones will aid in stimulating subtle perceptual energies and thoughts.
by Carol Nicholson —
Intuition is something we use every single day. Intuition could be random thoughts or certain feelings that come out of nowhere and give us important messages. There is nothing mystical about intuition; nor does it require years of intense study to tap into. Quite to the contrary, our intuition is a natural and vital part of our human makeup.
To help us access our intuitive selves, the use of indigo or deep-blue colored stones will aid in stimulating subtle perceptual energies and thoughts. Deep blue is a color that helps calm and focus the mind. Some color therapists attribute this to our human conditioning; when the sun goes down and the deep blue of night sets in, our bodies know it’s time to rest and relax. Our brain waves automatically slow down, and we become more attuned to subtle energies.
Nighttime is often when inspirational flashes and solutions to problems occur naturally. Many creative thinkers and writers do their best work in the late evening hours.
Finding the right stone may take a little footwork. Any indigo crystal or stone will work equally well. Kyanite is a blue variety of the mineral disthene that appears as shafts of thin blade crystals while sodalite and lapis lazuli can help you regain a state of receptive awareness. Other good candidates are sapphire, aquamarine, azurite-malachite, indicolite and blue-lace agate. You may even know about some deep blue crystals not mentioned here.
Just make sure the primary color is a very deep hue of blue. It is important to note, however, that it is not recommended to use deep blue stones when you are low or in a depressed mood. Wait until you are feeling better, as the color could exaggerate the condition. Try substituting a warmer colored crystal during these times, instead.
When searching for your crystals or stones, you will find yourself naturally attracted to certain ones. This is your intuition pointing you toward the right choice for you. In most places, it is permissible to pick up and hold a stone or crystal to see how it feels. Some crystals and stones can be purchased to wear as pendants or comfortable shapes to carry about in your pocket.
Many people hold their stones and crystals while meditating. A single small crystal cluster for your desk or workspace will do wonders for your creativity and decision-making processes. Co-workers may become intrigued and want to run out and get their very own stones.
Many shops that sell crystals are located around the metro Phoenix area, as well as in Sedona and Quartzite. It might even make a fun day trip to go looking.
After purchasing your crystals, it’s always a good idea to cleanse them before use by washing in warm soapy water or placing them in sea salt for about 24 hours. Ask the shop owner or seller how to care for your crystals — and enjoy their many benefits.
Carol Nicholson, director and founder of Intuitive Arts Studies in Scottsdale, holds many classes in intuitive development and does intuitive consulting and energy work. www.IntuitionArt.org or 480-474-4497.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 2, April/May 2005.
May 3, 2014
April/May 2005 Issue, Featured, Metaphysical