Transformation can also resolve our issues, and most importantly of all, it is an opportunity to take accountability.
by Tammy Holmes —
What if there were a machine that corrected whatever was not working in your life? Wouldn’t it be great if you could just walk into a machine that would solve all your problems? And, at any time, what if you could go back to this wonderful machine, press a few buttons for a tune-up and walk out transformed?
Well, there are no quick fixes or easy transformations. In fact, transformation can be messy. It can bring up our fears and old patterns. Transformation can also resolve our issues, and most importantly of all, it is an opportunity to take accountability.
What does our foundation look like? Is it built of sand, or is it solid? What do you believe in? Edger Cayce says we are either playing the victim or co-creating every minute. Which do we choose?
When people seek out a coach to support their transformation, they have usually reached the point where they are ready to change, because where they are in their life is not fully working for them.
All personal coaching is about forgiveness, believing in yourself and knowing you are not your past anymore. It also entails identifying new thoughts about who you want to be and the ability to receive the tools to be that person. It requires action, and sometimes even homework, to grow into a higher vibration.
Transformation is really all about change and knowing that as long as you face your fears, you can learn that they mean nothing. The Course in Miracles suggests that you look at your crucifixions, rather than dwell on them. Release your crucifixions and allow a resurrection. Do not analyze or defend your fears — that’s all about ego. If you do not forgive yourself, you will punish and sabotage yourself. Just say, “I forgive myself,” and then let it go.
If you are blocked and cannot do it alone, ask for guidance from a coach or teacher. You are worth it.
In Spirit, all is possible. In you, all is possible. Just believe.
Tammy Holmes is a renowned medium and life coach. 623-302+7422.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 4, August/September 2006.
February 7, 2013
Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Fear, Life Coaching, Self-improvement