Rock Rose for extreme fear

Pet owners and farmers are advised to keep the Rock Rose remedy on hand for animals reacting negatively to loud noises, such as those produced by thunderstorms or fireworks.
by Linda M. Crider —
Along with the 38 flower essence healing system he created, Dr. Edward Bach put together a five remedy formula designed to help people cope with the stress caused by emergency situations. An important component of this formula is the single essence of Rock Rose, one of Bach’s original 12 healers. Bach included this remedy for its ability to restore composure in the face of extreme panic or terror, when one is literally frozen with fear.
Since we live in a world that appears to be in a state of perpetual crisis, situations where Rock Rose may be called for are easily found on the front pages of major newspapers every day. Those who find themselves in the midst or the aftermath of life-threatening weather, floods, earthquakes, tsunamis, violence or terrorist attacks would certainly be among the most obvious to benefit from one or more doses of this healing essence.
However, the Rock Rose remedy can also be used under circumstances that are less dire in nature, but equally as capable of arousing feelings of debilitating fright. This remedy can help dispel the vague but disturbing emotions adults or children feel upon waking up from nightmares or night terrors.
It may also alleviate the crippling distress one experiences after a car accident or anxiety during an especially turbulent airplane flight. Receiving bad news of a life-threatening illness or sudden loss of a job or income would be other instances calling for Rock Rose.
Bach realized the necessity for a remedy to restore a sense of calm and courage in the face of a crisis so the individual can get beyond the mind-numbing fear and deal with the situation logically. You might say Rock Rose allows one to access the ever-present inner superhero who then comes to the rescue, unruffled and in control.
Pet owners and farmers are advised to keep the Rock Rose remedy on hand for animals reacting negatively to loud noises, such as those produced by thunderstorms or fireworks. It is also helpful for animals that have been mistreated and subsequently appear terrified in the presence of certain people, circumstances or scents that trigger related memories.
Bach advised that this remedy helps to maintain calmness and self-control for others surrounding an individual who is in the grip of extreme fear. He also suggested that if the afflicted person or animal is unconscious, the lips can be moistened with a few drops of Rock Rose to help restore cognizance and presence of mind.
Linda M. Crider, BFRP, has been a promoter and educator of botanical healing practices for 15 years. She specializes in flower essence therapy and is a Bach Foundation registered practitioner and founder of Blooming Vibrations, LLC. or 602-774-2382.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 3, June/July 2015.
August 1, 2015
Bach Flower remedies, Featured, June/July 2015 Issue