Rock Water for flexibility

Those in need of Rock Water often possess a lot of will power, very lofty ideals and usually have a strict adherence to routine. In a sense, they become addicted to suppressing their needs and avoiding pleasures that life has to offer.
by Linda M. Crider —
Rock Water is the flower essence that Dr. Edward Bach derived from a local spring. It is the only one of the 38 Bach Flower Remedies that is not obtained from a plant. He created this remedy to help those who rigidly hold themselves to a high standard.
Water is quite mutable, so perhaps Bach again took his cue from nature and chose to balance this issue with an essence taken from life-affirming, moving water. He wanted it to be sourced from a wild, pristine setting rather than from one that had been designated by man as a popular spa or place to take the healing waters.
Bach recognized the necessity for people to avoid taking themselves too seriously. Ironically, this hard-working doctor sometimes drove himself to the point of exhaustion and was likely to have been guilty of this tendency himself. Working on his own emotional imbalances became a critical part of the discovery process as he compiled his healing system. Rock Water became one of what he referred to as the “Four Helpers.”
Unlike Beech folks who are overtly critical of others, Rock Water types do not concern themselves with what anyone else is doing. Instead, they are obsessed with remaining accountable to their own set of rules when it comes to such things as diet and exercise, as well as matters of morality or spiritual beliefs. They often secretly see themselves as setting examples that others may follow but avoid directly imposing their beliefs or standards on others.
Those in need of Rock Water often possess a lot of will power, very lofty ideals and usually have a strict adherence to routine. In a sense, they become addicted to suppressing their needs and avoiding pleasures that life has to offer. Rock Water individuals are also quite dogmatic and inflexible about what they believe, but in a discussion they will not try to convince anyone of their opinions. At the same time, they hold steadfastly to their own beliefs and will not allow themselves to be swayed otherwise.
Bach described them as “hard masters” to themselves. Examples might be athletes who overtrain to the point of intense physical pain, or the overly strict health nut who seems to thrive on abstinence. Good dietary habits, moderate exercise and wholesome sexuality are all important, but it is the unbending obsession with self-denial that distinguishes the Rock Water type from one who simply strives for a balanced, healthy lifestyle.
Animals that exhibit inflexible behavior patterns (often trained to such discipline and self-restraint by their human caretakers) may also benefit from this essence.
Rock Water types are often unaware of the self-destructive effects of their own rigid tendencies. Bach believed that all disease starts in the mind. In keeping with this view, such emotional and mental inflexibility, when left unchecked, may lead to rigidity in the body. This could eventually manifest as forms of arthritis or other physical conditions characterized by immobility.
Taking Rock Water can help afflicted individuals become what author Mechthild Scheffer calls “flexible idealists” — those who retain their lofty principles but are more open-minded and playful in their approach to life. It can also help anyone who wants to clear what may appear to be stubborn energetic blockages and create more flow in any mental or emotional situation.
Linda M. Crider, BFRP, has been a promoter and educator of botanical healing practices for 15 years. She specializes in flower essence therapy and is a Bach Foundation registered practitioner and founder of Blooming Vibrations, LLC. or 602-774-2382.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 34, Number 4, August/September 2015.
September 1, 2015
August/September 2015, Bach Flower remedies, Featured