Each of us has been entrusted with the task of developing one single life — our own. As we do that, others benefit from the enthusiasm and vision we contribute to the world.
by Ada Porat —
How can we harness our thinking processes to better guarantee success? Here are a few powerful steps to align, reinforce and energize your mental attitude.
Banish ordinary thinking — Brilliance is unleashed when we think beyond the box. Allow your amazing ideas to start percolating and show you innovative new ways to solve old problems.
Consider all possibilities — Some ideas may take us only one step further, yet one step is still progress. The more possibilities you can imagine, the more options you have to consider and choose from, increasing your chances for success.
Banish the word “failure” — There are no failures in life; there are only lessons. Every experience offers opportunities for learning; once you have mastered the lesson, you need not repeat the experience. The next time you encounter an apparent failure, ask yourself, “What is the lesson in this?”
Choose again — If you do not like the results you are seeing from the choices you have made, you can change the outcomes by choosing again. There is neither nobility nor value in continuing to suffer simply because you do not want to change what doesn’t work.
Ask for support — Let others know what you need from them in order to succeed or to be happy. People are usually delighted to know how they can help, rather than having to guess what we need.
Express your gratitude — Gratitude is a marvelous quality that shifts our perspective so that we can see the blessings in our lives. As we focus on the good things that come our way, we set up a powerful attractor field that draws more of the same into our lives.
Determine to realize your full potential — There is no quality that distinguishes mental mastery better than dedication to making your life the expression of your highest potential. This quality transcends all hesitation, judgment and envy regarding what others may or may not be doing. Each of us has been entrusted with the task of developing one single life — our own. As we do that, others benefit from the enthusiasm and vision we contribute to the world.
Ada Porat is a certified life balance coach and holistic health practitioner with extensive international teaching and clinical experience. 602-283-4628 or www.adaporat.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 25, Number 2, April/May 2006.
March 11, 2013
Coping, Decision / Indecision, Emotional Wellness and Well-being, Goals, Love, Self-improvement, Serenity, Spiritual