Pluto was continuously in Scorpio from the end of August 1984 until it left the sign in November of 1995. (Pluto will not return to Scorpio for about 248 years.) The timing of a Pluto transit corresponds with changes in the collective subconscious.
by Gabriella von Elekes —
Amanda will be 15 years old this summer and she already has had multiple sex partners. Melinda, who just turned 22, said she first had sex at age 14. Sarah will be 18 years old this fall and is the mother of a one-year-old daughter.
Regardless of whether one watches Dr. Phil, Tyra Banks or Maury’s television shows, it is always amazing how such young, pretty, intelligent guests can confess, with grins on their faces, to having sexual encounters that their mothers and grandmothers could not even dream up.
Bewildered parents everywhere are looking for answers. What is happening to make this generation more sexual, without cause, than at any time in recent history? How and why are they willing to have sex simply for the fun and power of it? What have they done wrong, these parents ask themselves. True, there have always been individuals who were more sexual than others, but at this time, it almost seems an epidemic.
This phenomena has a great deal to do with Pluto’s journey through Scorpio (regardless of whether you call it a planet or not). Astrology is the science of cycles and timing. As such, astrologers keep a watchful eye on the movement of planets through the different signs, with Pluto leading the way when it comes to generational trends.
Pluto was continuously in Scorpio from the end of August 1984 until it left the sign in November of 1995. (Pluto will not return to Scorpio for about 248 years.) The timing of a Pluto transit corresponds with changes in the collective subconscious.
Scorpio is the astrological sign associated with deep transformation at an almost mystical level. The Scorpio individual seeks union with another person to a depth not really understood by others. They would rather feel pain and misery than not feel anything, and would rather have a short, deep experience than a long, superficial relationship.
Scorpios are the ones who would squeeze the pus from a wound and enjoy the pain that accompanies it. They are not masochists; rather, they want to know how long they can take it. Scorpio is said to be the sexiest sign of the Zodiac. This is not entirely true, though, since Scorpios can abstain from sex longer than any other sign.
What Scorpios look for is transcendence. The French call an orgasm la petite mort, which translates to “little death” in English, for during this short time one gives up all control. It is probably the only time in a human’s life when the ego can die and be gratified at the same time, and the person can live to talk about it.
With Pluto in the sign of Scorpio, there is a magnified need for transcendence, a seeking to destroy something in order to create something else totally different. Unfortunately, some children born in this period are not equipped to handle this energy constructively. One can see in their astrological charts a strong need to be loved, and that they will not come by true love easily.
Of course, not all children born in this time frame will want to have sex for the power of it. What is different about them? In order for the sexual energy to be used this way, other planetary influences also must be in place. For example, the hour of birth is a very important determinant.
It would be useful for parents with these “problem children” to show them alternate patterns of behavior, rather than judge them. Some of these children may make fine sex therapists, sex surrogates or teachers who use dance as a form of sexual healing.
The astrologer’s job is to shed light on the child’s future behavior, to help facilitate the discovery of the deep psychological roots of a problem, and to provide some suggestions for a more positive use of the energies involved. Nothing is more constructive than awareness.
By reader request
Question: Maria P. asks: Who invented astrology?
Answer: Astrology is not the invention of a single person. Nobody knows the exact time it was born. It probably originated in ancient Mesopotamia, the territory occupied by modern Iraq. During Assurbanipal’s reign (7th century B.C.) astrology was held in high regard. About 4,000 years before the birth of Christ, both the Babylonians and the Assyrians were watching the skies for the movement of the stars to predict the future of the state, the crops and wars.
The Greeks, from whom the craft was passed on to us, believed it came from Egypt. By the beginning of early 200 A.D., 50 of the 88 known constellations had been mapped out with the help of mathematical calculations.
For further information, these books may be helpful: A History of Western Astrology, by Jim Tester and The Fated Sky, by Benson Bobrick.
Gabriella von Elekes is a professional astrologer who teaches and provides consultations and workshops. She is past president of the Arizona Society of Astrologers.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 26, Number 3, June/July 2007.
September 27, 2012
Astrology, Children and Teens, Dance, Love, Parenting, Relationships, Sex, Spiritual, Philosophical and Metaphysical