The incidence of candida in the U.S. is on the increase, and the main reason why is that our diets are high in carbohydrates and sugar. Sugar is the fuel/food source for yeast.
by Paula Owens —
Are you feeling bloated, gassy, foggy brained and/or depressed? Do you have cravings, achy joints or dry skin spots? If you said yes to any of these, you need to try the candida test to find out if this could be the root cause of your symptoms.
Yeast and fungal infections, also called candida, are very common. The incidence of candida in the U.S. is on the increase, and the main reason why is that our diets are high in carbohydrates and sugar. Sugar is the fuel/food source for yeast.
When you eat carbohydrates, even whole grains, they eventually are broken down into glucose, a simple sugar. Overconsumption of yeast-feeding foods, such as refined carbohydrates, sugars, peanuts, alcohol and dairy products, can encourage candida growth, as can birth control pills and hormones that are secreted due to high stress levels.
One of the major factors that encourages candida growth is mental and emotional stress. Candida occurs more frequently in people under stress, as they have a lowered resistance to infection which affects the immune system. Acute and chronic stress elevate cortisol levels. In turn, excessive cortisol raises blood sugar. The fungus does not care whether the increased sugar in your body is due to eating a candy bar or to having an episode of extreme stress; it will use the sugar as fuel to reproduce itself.
In chronic candida cases, these symptoms can turn into more serious conditions, such as acute kidney infections, insomnia, blurred vision, memory loss, extreme premenstrual syndrome and increased food allergies. Unfortunately, many of these medical symptoms are misdiagnosed and treated with medications that can actually make candida worse. Individuals with compromised immune systems, women who are pregnant or taking birth control pills and people on antibiotics or undergoing chemotherapy are more prone to candida infections.
Changing your diet is one of the most important and promising ways to cure candida infections. You must eliminate all refined and simple sugars, alcohol, fruit juice and refined carbohydrates.
Candida test: Place a glass of water on your bedside table before going to bed. When you wake up, spit into the glass with your first morning saliva and look for stringy legs hanging down. Check the glass every 15 minutes for an hour, until you see legs. If your spit floats, then you are probably free of an overgrowth of candida. If you see legs, you more than likely have a candida infection. If you test positive, seek guidance for a healthier path.
Paula Owens, M.S., is a nutritionist, certified fitness expert and holistic health practitioner. She is the author of The Power of 4 and the creator of 21 Days to a Leaner, Healthier You, an online exercise and weight-loss program. 480-706-1158 or www.PaulaOwens.com.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 30, Number 1, Feb/Mar 2011.
February 24, 2012
Candida, Diet, Health, Stress