Spring cleaning for the body — healing the spleen

The spleen is one of the major chakras of the pranic healing system and is actually a major entry point for prana.
by Sheevaun Moran —
Spring has pretty much arrived in the Valley. The recent rains have brought the desert to rampant bloom and the scent is wonderfully clean. What a great time to take a moment and check in with our bodies to determine how to bring spring into the physical form.
One aspect of all healing in a body is the energy system which, in most people, gets depleted throughout the winter. Because we live in the Southwest, it would seem that we shouldn’t get as depleted as those facing the challenges of snow and freezing weather. However, we are not exempt. Life still goes on and the shorter days, darker skies and ordinary day-to-day stresses make the body feel tired.
Most people are aware of the chakra system and its seven chakra centers. Another energy healing system, called pranic healing, recognizes 11 major chakra centers. The use of 11 major chakras allows the body to heal more rapidly as they work to align the skeletal system, the nervous system and the endocrine system. When all three systems work systematically and in cooperation, the body has the opportunity to act as a more efficient healing machine.
The spleen is one of the major chakras of the pranic healing system and is actually a major entry point for prana. Because the spleen is so close to the solar plexus — the soft spot under the sternum — it becomes the place for overflow of dirty energy. If the solar plexus alone is cleared, and not the spleen, the dirty energy that has been offloaded to the spleen for storage will move to fill up the just-cleared solar plexus. As a result, the healing or clearing of the solar plexus without work on the spleen could be never-ending.
In essence, think of your spleen as one of the storage facilities you use when your house is too full of stuff. If the spleen then also gets too full, the body begins to get sluggish. If this goes on for a prolonged period, chronic fatigue and other illnesses set in on the body.
Through cleansing of the solar plexus and the spleen chakras, the body can begin to breathe — and you will have begun a physical spring cleaning. This should become a routine, particularly if you work with a lot of people. Regular cleansing of the spleen chakra is essential to your ongoing healing and health.
Sheevaun Moran is an energy healing practitioner and teacher in the Phoenix area. www.EnergeticSolutions.net or 714-374-1988.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 24, Number 2, April/May 2005.
November 15, 2014
April/May 2005 Issue, Featured, Health