Dandelions support digestion, reduce swelling and inflammation, and treat viruses, jaundice, edema, gout, eczema and acne.
by Victoria Bowmann —
It is that time of year when our grandparents hung the rugs on the line, shook and beat them to remove the debris, and then left them in the sun to air out. While we now have it much easier in the cleaning department with our modern electrical devices and fancy soaps, periodic cleaning still makes as much sense as it did decades ago.
These same wise ancestors also cleansed their bodies. The fertile soil in those days brought forth so-called weeds such as dandelions, one of the earliest edibles of the spring season. Grandma would choose the best new greens, then steam them or use them in salads. Dandelions support digestion, reduce swelling and inflammation, and treat viruses, jaundice, edema, gout, eczema and acne.
Although the warmer climate of Phoenix means that we do not have to struggle with sustained cold weather or keep bundled up, periodic cleansing is a great way to rejuvenate our bodies. If you are into foraging, consider picking some dandelions, but be careful that they have not been treated with chemicals.
While one can purchase dandelion greens at some markets, spring cleansing can also be done using formulated nutrients. I prefer a combination of nutrients beyond just milk thistle, since these will be more complete formulas. Easy does it when taking certain pills, as you might experience a bit of nausea. If so, take a smaller dose and allow more time for your cleanse.
The first cleanse could be done for as little as five to seven days, or up to three weeks. Remember to drink plenty of water. This will flush the debris out of your system through the kidneys. Best of all, you will enjoy a renewed feeling of energy and vitality.
Victoria Bowmann, Ph.D., is a licensed massage practitioner specializing in cleansing and detoxification. She has been in private practice in northeast Phoenix since 1978. [email protected] or 602-971-8392.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 31, Number 2, April/May 2012.
April 12, 2012
Detox, Health