The most traumatic birth is a C-section, because the baby is lifted out, rather than traveling through the birth canal.
by Dr. Anthony Montoya —
The birthing process can be very traumatic for an infant, as the doctor pulls and twists the baby’s head and neck during delivery. As a result, the baby can experience a subluxation in the atlas, the first spinal bone in the neck.
A subluxation is the misalignment of a spinal bone to the extent that it interferes with nerve function. This subluxation in the upper neck area can put pressure on the brain stem, causing a number of symptoms. For instance, the child may experience a decrease in their immune system, causing frequent ear infections, ADHD, allergies and asthma. As an adolescent, he or she may experience headache and low-back pain. As an adult, the person may experience headaches, neck pain, low-back pain and fatigue. All these symptoms can stem from the traumatic pulling and twisting of a baby’s head and neck at childbirth.
The most traumatic birth is a C-section, because the baby is lifted out, rather than traveling through the birth canal. The use of forceps or a vacuum by the doctor also can cause a subluxation in the upper neck area.
Blair Chiropractors are are trained to put the atlas back in proper alignment. The Blair technique is the only upper-cervical chiropractic technique that takes the specific x-rays that show the misalignment of the atlas. These x-rays are taken at two different angles in order to see the patient’s neck in three dimensions.
The Blair adjustment is then specifically designed to the patient’s bone structure and their misalignment. It is like having a tailor-made suit.
There are only 80 Blair practitioners in the U.S. today, since it takes extensive training under a Blair doctor to learn this difficult chiropractic technique. More information is available at: blairchiropractic.com.
Dr. Anthony Montoya of Ultimate Chiropractic, 3510 N. 24th St., in Phoenix, practices the Palmer and Blair methods of chiropractic. 602-954-2447.
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 27, Number 2, April/May 2008.
July 31, 2012
ADD/ADHD, Allergies, Asthma, Back pain, Chiropractic, Headache, Health, Infants, Pregnancy