Surrender of ego can happen naturally

The ego actually wants to let go of the reigns because it is tired of trying to control everything all the time.
by Paul Reinig —
While traditional spiritual teachings have emphasized removing your ego before you can discover the divine within, the good news is you no longer have to bash your ego. The process of convincing your ego to surrender control can happen naturally. The ego actually wants to let go of the reigns because it is tired of trying to control everything all the time. For this to happen, you must first do two things.
First, you need to accept and love your ego with gratitude for the wonderful purpose it serves by playing the role of protector. It judges the people, things and incidents that come into your life, determining whether they will harm you and causing fear so you will not indulge. This role especially serves you if you think of yourself as a victim.
Equally important to loving and honoring your ego is the need to cultivate your intuition. By tapping into the divine within, you realize that you are a creator, not a victim. For many, this will require unplugging from a stressful life and taking time to relax.
Of course, as you open to your intuition, your ego will initially respond, as usual, with fear. That’s OK. Simply honor your ego for doing its job, because judging it will only intensify the battle within your mind over what’s best for you. Instead, reassure your ego that it is as important to you as your intuitive side while, at the same time, allowing yourself to act as your intuition guides you.
When you start feeling great by following your inner voice, don’t be surprised to discover that your ego is in awe of your intuition. It’s possible your ego didn’t even know your intuition existed. The more the ego observes the joy that acting on your intuition brings you, it will slowly surrender the reigns naturally because it will realize that intuition does a much better job of guiding you.
Paul Reinig is the founder of the “Be Who You Are” seminar. 402-326-1561 or
Reprinted from AzNetNews, Volume 23, Number 1, February/March 2005.
December 1, 2014
Featured, February/March 2005 Issue, Self-improvement, Spiritual