ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child by Thom Hartmann — Hartmann shows how creativity, impulsiveness, risk-taking, distractibility and novelty-seeking are characteristic of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), but not signs of a disorder. Instead, they are components of a highly adaptive skill set utilized by […]
Tag Archives: ADHD
ADHD and The Edison Gene: A Drug-Free Approach to Managing the Unique Qualities of Your Child

ADD/ADHD — Drug-free treatments
December 3, 2014
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ADD/ADHD — Drug-free treatments by Mary M. Ernsberger — “Maybe if you found a doctor who’d put him on medication, he would behave better.” How often have you been told the only effective way to treat attention deficit disorder or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADD/ADHD) is to medicate your child? We teach our children to […]
The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD: An Eight-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions and Achieving Your Goals
July 21, 2014
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The Mindfulness Prescription for Adult ADHD: An Eight-Step Program for Strengthening Attention, Managing Emotions and Achieving Your Goals by Lidia Zylowska, M.D. — Do you have trouble paying attention and staying on task; suffer from disorganization, procrastination or forgetfulness; have difficulty with restlessness or trouble managing strong feelings such as anger and frustration; struggle with […]
Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers of ADHD, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Children
February 17, 2014
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Parenting the Highly Sensitive Child: A Guide for Parents and Caregivers of ADHD, Indigo and Highly Sensitive Children by Julie B. Rosenshein, LCISW — In 2010, more than 263 million stimulant prescriptions were given to American children. The need to over-stimulate, over-plan and over-work our children has created an unsupportive environment that Rosenshein hopes to […]
Living with Lyme disease
August 19, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Lyme disease (LD) can be a lifelong battle with many complications and setbacks. The biggest obstacle is obtaining an early and proper diagnosis. LD is often called “The Great Imitator” because it mimics numerous disorders such as multiple sclerosis, arthritis, chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia and ADHD. Testing for it is […]
Does “back to school” have to mean sick days?
August 17, 2013
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by Debbie Williams — The kids are heading back to school and you know what that means — germs, millions of them. With all the disinfectant wipes in retail stores and hand sanitizers in schools these days, you would think this would mean a reduction in germs and therefore less sick days for children and […]
The many aspects of toothpaste
August 15, 2013
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Toothpaste is a ubiquitous product found in practically every bathroom across the land. Have you ever given much thought as to why you select a certain brand? Is your selection based on the taste, the price or the ingredients; for prevention of cavities; or perhaps you received a free sample […]
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Children and the ADHD diagnosis
February 21, 2013
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by Dr. Tricia Pingel — If your child lacks focus, is unable to complete his or her school assignments or will not sit still, you may feel frustrated enough to seek medical advice. If you are like millions of parents, your child may then be diagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD.) An estimated 5.4 […]
Pediatric Oriental medicine and acupuncture
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Steven Cooner — Oriental medicine and acupuncture are among the CAM (complementary and alternative medicine) therapies most frequently recommended by internists and family physicians and are currently practiced in more than 140 U.S. hospitals. An examination of 43 pain clinics in North American children’s hospitals revealed that approximately one-third offered acupuncture services. Most […]
Rethinking the developmental learning process
February 27, 2012
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by Vanessa Chamberlain — Over the last decade, mental health professionals, childhood advocates, parents and educators alike, have reported a decreased satisfaction in the way we teach our children. Further, and perhaps more importantly, our children are letting us know very loudly and clearly through their behaviors (childhood’s primary language) that rote, standardized, end-user academics […]
Is your tween/teen suffering from nature deficit disorder?
February 23, 2012
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by Vanessa Chamberlain — The signs and symptoms of nature deficit disorder (NDD) sound like checklists you have heard for other common diagnoses such as ADD/ADHD (attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder), ODD (oppositional defiant disorder), LFT (low frustration-tolerance) and manic-depressive disorder (bipolar). In his 2005 book, Last Child in the Woods, author Richard Louv coined the term […]
December 16, 2015
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