Tag Archives: alignment

Rolfing® is the answer — no matter your age

March 1, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  As we grow older, we tend to restrict our activities; our lives slow down. We sit at our computers, perform a repetitive job or play one sport (golf, for example). Usually, we forget to stretch. One day, our joints do not move as well as they did; we have lost our […]

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Solving the chronic pain puzzle

February 27, 2012

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by Dr. Nicholas Warner —  Pain is a significant problem for many people, and the way too many of us deal with it is either by taking medication to temporarily relieve the pain or ignoring it altogether. Foolishly hoping the pain will go away without taking any action is an even bigger problem, often contributing […]

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Rolfing™ and forward, rounded shoulders

February 25, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  Does this describe your posture — forward, rounded shoulders? Our culture seems to be producing children and young adults with this condition, which they will often take into their adult lives, creating misalignments in their body structures. Backpacks carried to school by 6-year-olds may not be heavy. However, take a look […]

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Rolfing® — get back your back

February 23, 2012

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by Deanna Melnychuk —  Do you have chronic low back pain? Is it a symptom or a cause? Is your lower back in pain because of other bodily misalignments caused by tight connective tissue? A Rolfer™ is trained to assess your entire body’s structure to determine the underlying cause of the pain in your sacrum […]

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