In a dramatic reversal, the FDA has modified its long-standing assertion that mercury in dental fillings is completely harmless. This comes in the wake of a class-action lawsuit settlement in June 2008. Amalgam fillings have a silver color and are about 50 percent mercury. They release toxic mercury vapors into the mouth which are absorbed […]
Tag Archives: amalgam
Mercury in amalgam
February 29, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — So is it safe or isn’t it? It has been stated repeatedly that mercury is safe to use in the mouth and very little leaches into the body. A few years ago, chemistry students from the University of Kentucky embarked on an analysis to help answer this question. They took […]
Dentistry, dogma and mercury
February 24, 2012
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Seldom a day passes that I do not interview a client who is concerned about mercury fillings. Often the patient has been to a practitioner who, when questioned about mercury fillings, rolled his eyes and launched into tirades about the virtues of the silver mercury filling, and how completely safe […]
September 7, 2012
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