by Sherry Anshara — Some short words for “hood” in the thesaurus include: cover, covering, top and lid. Yet the word “hood” holds far more description and depth than any of these synonyms. The meaning of “hood” could actually be understood as to bare the soul and the spirit, which can be witnessed by the […]
Tag Archives: belief systems
Are your relationships a foggy reflection?
September 2, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — Relationships come in all forms, sizes, shapes and time frames. Relationships can be defined as personal — family, extended family, adopted family and significant others, romantic or not. Relationships can also be described as professional- or business-related — career, position, title and degree. Every relationship can be defined in some way, […]
The answers are in the questions
June 8, 2013
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by Sherry Anshara — In the past several months, have you noticed that people seem to be asking the same or similar types of questions? Whether or not it is in business, personal or even general discussion, people seem to be asking questions, such as: Why am I feeling so tired?; Why do I feel […]
Money can make us happy, really!
October 22, 2012
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by Todd S. Smith — For many individuals, money is a topic that falls beyond the realm of who we are, what we stand for and who, as people, we want to be. In reality, however, our money behavior and money beliefs are intricately and indelibly connected to our greater belief systems. Many challenges we […]
December 2, 2013
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