Appreciating our bodies, imperfections and all by Susan Stiffelman — I talk to my body a lot. Sometimes out loud. I do not usually share this fact with other people, which makes it kind of interesting that I am writing about it in an article. But the fact is, I place a lot of stock […]
Tag Archives: body
Change your colors, change your mood
February 27, 2012
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by Julia Busch — Have you ever wondered why someone painted their house bright chartreuse or wore the same color day after day — perhaps one that you would never consider wearing? The advertising industry knows why. Your interior decorator and psychologist also know why. Ancient Egyptians, basking in their color and light temples knew, […]
Have you talked to your body lately?
February 23, 2012
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by Cay Randall-May — If you have not talked to your body lately, then it is time to begin a conversation. Our bodies are constantly trying to communicate with us. Sometimes we misunderstand or ignore these attempts to get our attention. The usual language of our elbows, wrists or backs is pain, stiffness, swelling or […]
October 13, 2015
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