What does your poop say about your health? by Dr. Jennifer Burns — Looking at your own poop seems weird and unusual and is something that people just do not talk about. But since the gut is the “second brain,” there is a lot to be said about how a person’s poop looks in relation […]
Tag Archives: bowel movements
How to find relief from hemorrhoids
October 1, 2012
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by Dr. Jennifer Burns — More than 30 million people in this country are asking, “How do I get rid of my hemorrhoids?” Two different types of hemorrhoids, external and internal, are the source of great aggravation for many. Both come with varying signs, symptoms and degrees of severity. Hemorrhoids can result from several different […]
Living with celiac disease
September 2, 2012
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by Dr. Tricia Pingel — We are seeing an upswing in the availability of gluten-free products. Whether it is in the grocery store or at a restaurant, the options for maintaining a gluten-free diet have increased, compared to just a few years ago. Gluten is a common name for the proteins found in all forms […]
October 14, 2014
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