Modeling good manners by Susan Stiffelman — “Me first;” “I want more;” and “Those are mine!” are all the normal expressions of a child who has not yet developed empathy or diplomacy. Children are naturally egocentric; if there is only one piece of pie left, they will grab it. If your daughter is having fun […]
Tag Archives: children
Dealing with anger
June 8, 2015
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Dealing with anger by Susan Stiffelman — Parents often bring their children for counseling because of their problems with anger. Sometimes the child has a difficult time managing his outbursts because his capacity to manage big feelings is underdeveloped due to immaturity or impulsive tendencies. But often I discover that mom and/or dad can also […]
Five steps to encourage an attitude of gratitude in children
April 7, 2015
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Five steps to encourage an attitude of gratitude in children by Dr. Monisha Vasa — My brain knows that gratitude is important. When I am in a state of gratitude — aware of my blessings, small and large — I feel happier and less alone. I feel more connected to the people around me and […]
Why your child’s sleep habits matter
March 19, 2015
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Why your child’s sleep habits matter by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — It may be hard to believe, but the fact that breathing is fundamental to life is becoming more widely acknowledged. It is humorous to even think about that statement, but the truth is that poor sleeping/breathing habits, which include snoring — or worse — […]
Supermarket choices impact kids’ health
December 25, 2014
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Supermarket choices impact kids’ health by Dr. Nimali Fernando — According to the United States Census Bureau, supermarkets and grocery stores are a $466 billion industry. With nearly 65,000 stores nationwide, supermarkets are designed to meet the needs of those looking for convenient foods, those who want to cook from scratch and everything in between. […]
The 52 New Foods Challenge: A Family Cooking Adventure for Each Week of the Year, with 150 Recipes
December 16, 2014
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The 52 New Foods Challenge: A Family Cooking Adventure for Each Week of the Year, with 150 Recipes by Jennifer Tyler Lee — Like many parents, Lee struggled to get her kids to eat healthy, balanced meals. The answer, she discovered, was making it a game: “We will try one new food each week. You […]
Low-fat milk promotes obesity
August 22, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Harvard researcher David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D., analyzed a recommendation from the USDA and the American Academy of Pediatrics to drink three cups of reduced-fat milk per day. He concluded that it is very bad advice. “It is perhaps the most prevailing advice given to the American public about diet in the […]
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Are you parenting a child of the “New Generation?”
May 13, 2013
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by Kathy “Kap” Parra — More than likely, you have heard about the “New Generation” of children — a.k.a. Indigo, Crystal, Rainbow, Star, Blue Ray or just plain Psychic/Intuitive. The question is: What does this New Generation really want us to know about them? They want us to know they are gifted, their auras are […]
Detoxification for health
April 2, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Detoxification is the removal of waste matter from the body. Most of the waste matter is comprised of toxic chemicals and toxic metals, although other kinds of toxins are also eliminated. Detoxification is a critical bodily function that occurs 24 hours a day. You would soon die if anything went […]
Do you really know what is in those ready-to-eat lunches?
February 26, 2013
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by Cary Bailen — I ran a day camp at a large school last summer and was shocked at what the kids brought to lunch every day — prepackaged lunches with cold cuts, cheese and cookies, and other fast foods marketed directly to kids. My experience made me aware of how powerful marketing really is. […]
Helping children with guardian angels
January 26, 2013
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by Carol Manetta — In a world that continues to whiz past our children every day, at an ever increasing rate, it’s nice to know they have guides to help them through it. You, of course, provide considerable help to children daily, whether as their parent, teacher, doctor, caregiver, relative, neighbor or family friend. Your […]
Getting your child ready for school
September 2, 2012
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by Dannette Hunnel — It is already back-to-school time. This means kids are going to need the proper supplies to get off to a good start. We all know what the basics are — pencils, erasers, backpacks, folders, paper, pencils, calculators, etc. But, depending on the child’s age and grade, the list of supplies can […]
August 10, 2015
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