by Fatina Hijab — The art of reflexology has a definite place in our modern world. Human feet are equipped with curves, nerves, muscles and bones of many shapes and sizes. Although our ancestors walked the earth with bare feet, we have embraced paved streets that cause our arches to collapse and tortuous, tight-fitting shoes […]
Tag Archives: circulation
Managing Minerals
July 10, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Minerals, from calcium and magnesium, to the trace elements such as zinc, are perhaps the single most important group of nutrients. They are required for every bodily function, from activating muscles and nerves, to digestion, energy production, and all healing and regeneration of the body. This article focuses on important […]
Rosemary — A great addition to your food
May 18, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Rosemary grows on a small evergreen shrub belonging to the Labiatae family, and is related to mint. The tops of its leaves look like flat, deep green pine-tree needles, while they are silver-white on their underside. Rosemary’s memorable flavor and unique health benefits make it an indispensable herb for every […]
Exercise — a fountain of youth for aging bodies
May 6, 2013
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by Brenda McDermott — Talk to any group of older people and chances are you will often hear a long list of stories about bodies that, once young and strong, are now betraying their owners. Many who are less healthy than they once were may even be facing a loss of independence. The bottom line […]
Beer — Drink to your health
January 23, 2013
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by Dr. Mark Force — Alcohol consumption can be a healthy habit, in spite of all we hear to the contrary. Because we are constantly exposed to the negatives, there’s no need to list the health and societal problems tied to consuming alcohol. Instead, let’s explore the benefits of light to moderate alcohol consumption — […]
A new angle on relieving old muscle tension and pain
January 3, 2013
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by Roxann Christensen — Amy could not turn her head without stirring up pain from an old gymnastic injury. Steve’s leg muscles had atrophied from his many foot injuries. Sally’s hands cramped so badly at night that the pain would wake her up. Ted was headed for carpal tunnel surgery, but wondered if there was […]
Choosing therapeutic foods for balance
November 18, 2012
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Many of us have begun to realize that diets for weight loss don’t work, and that the only way to lose weight and keep it off permanently is to change our eating habits. The key is a more balanced approach that eliminates “bad foods,” rather than entire food groups. Instead of […]
Massage therapy improves your life
November 13, 2012
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by Tony Liker — How many people do you know who ever turn down a massage? It is hard to say “no” to something that is so good at loosening muscles, providing relaxation and reducing stress. Massage therapy is quickly gaining popularity, not only because it feels good, but because it has documented health benefits […]
Breathing for pain and depression
October 24, 2012
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by David Berger — Pain, for the purpose of this article, is nothing more than the lack of circulation, whether it is of the mind, body or spirit. When circulation is restricted in any of these bodily components, the whole body hurts, in one form or another. In most cases, the hurting starts in the […]
Personal tai chi
October 14, 2012
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by Dr. Steven Cooner — Tai chi can help lower blood pressure and cholesterol levels, calm the nervous system, reduce anxiety and depression, improve circulation and sleep, and heal new muscular-skeletal injuries and internal disorders. It also is wonderful for anti-aging, improving skin tone and hair texture, reducing cellulite, tightening sagging muscles, and generally improving […]
Five spices you should eat often
September 2, 2012
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by Toffler Niemuth — Spices have been used for millennia for the wonderful flavors they give food and drinks, but only recently have scientists begun to correlate spices with their health benefits. Five healthy spices that you should integrate into your food are ginger, cinnamon, turmeric, coriander and fennel seeds. Ginger — Popular in Asian […]
Is exercise really necessary as you age?
August 25, 2012
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by Becky Coffield — There are several reasons why exercise regimes often fall by the wayside as one gets older. The problem is usually not the exercise routine itself, but may actually be in the imbalance of hormones and nutrients in an aging person’s body. There comes a day when many life-long exercisers are tempted […]
Self-defense: A form of personal training
March 5, 2012
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by Steven Cooner — Imagine getting all the benefits of personal training, cardio, endurance, stretching, strength and body shaping, while learning a practical, safe way to defend and protect yourself at the same time. Many secrets to healthy longevity, beauty, self-esteem, alleviating fear and gaining confidence are contained in self-defense exercises and techniques. Personal protection […]
July 27, 2013
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