by Dr. Larry Wilson — With Katrina and Rita, two powerful hurricanes, arriving so close together, many people are wondering about storms. What is their meaning for us? More importantly, what good comes from storms and other disasters? Natural disasters have occurred for as long as mankind has been on this planet. They are […]
Tag Archives: core values
Living from your truth: The key to authenticity
June 9, 2013
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by Ada Porat — Your core obligation in life is to be true to yourself. Being truthful with others requires being truthful with yourself first. This means that you need to align with your inner truth so you can stand in integrity. And when you stand in integrity, you are powerful — your words carry […]
Money can make us happy, really!
October 22, 2012
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by Todd S. Smith — For many individuals, money is a topic that falls beyond the realm of who we are, what we stand for and who, as people, we want to be. In reality, however, our money behavior and money beliefs are intricately and indelibly connected to our greater belief systems. Many challenges we […]
July 15, 2013
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