by Nicholas Meyer — Periodontal disease is a slow but progressive, chronic inflammatory disease. This complex disease process takes place in the presence of bacterial byproducts and a weakened host resistance. Chronic inflammation is the big buzz in medicine now, and is considered by researchers to be the fundamental problem behind many Western diseases. The […]
Tag Archives: coronary artery disease
The Trojan Horse of today
December 6, 2012
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by Christopher Knight — The Greeks and the Trojans were locked in a harsh war. Both sides longed for a final end to it. The Greeks had been attacking the city of Troy for 10 years. The Trojans were fighting for survival, but the Greeks were determined to win the war. Finally, the Greeks realized […]
Wake-up calls on stents for heart disease
March 5, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — According to a new study published January 15, 2009, in the New England Journal of Medicine, people with clogged heart arteries are being overtreated with stents. Fewer deaths, heart attacks and repeat procedures occurred when doctors implanted fewer of these tiny artery props, and when doctors used the blood-flow test to […]
January 28, 2013
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