by Dr. Larry Wilson — Anxiety is a very uncomfortable feeling of nervousness, irritability or foreboding about the future. Panic attacks, also known as anxiety attacks, are sudden drastic increases in anxiety to the point where one may have trouble breathing, muscles tighten, the pulse rate increases, and one may collapse or even urinate or […]
Tag Archives: diencephalon
Lose weight: ready, set, reset!
July 15, 2012
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — “Yo-yo dieting,” or frequent and dramatic weight fluctuation, is not only a frustrating process for the life-long calorie-counter, but it also is not good for one’s overall health or the body. By subjecting the body to these highs and lows, an individual may be decreasing their immunity, predisposing themselves to […]
December 5, 2012
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