The Phytonutrient Diet by Dr. Larry Wilson — Most people are mineral-starved today, and their digestive systems are weak. The phytonutrient diet, as explained in this article, is the only way I know to counteract these dietary problems and obtain the nutrients we all need. Principles 1. Eat at least three meals daily and […]
Tag Archives: diet
Real Medical Prevention
April 5, 2015
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Real Medical Prevention by Dr. Larry Wilson — When it comes to your health, prevention is crucial. The problem is how to properly implement preventive care. Doctors offer preventive measures in the form of vaccines and various screening tests. However, many of these measures are toxic and invasive; and traditional annual physicals are costly and, […]
What is the right diet for you?
June 1, 2014
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What is the right diet for you? by Cary Bailen — In a nation where obesity has become an epidemic, it is no wonder that people are more concerned than ever about health and wellness. Americans spend $40 billion a year on weight-loss programs and products. Everywhere we look there is a new diet or […]
Low-fat milk promotes obesity
August 22, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Harvard researcher David Ludwig, M.D., Ph.D., analyzed a recommendation from the USDA and the American Academy of Pediatrics to drink three cups of reduced-fat milk per day. He concluded that it is very bad advice. “It is perhaps the most prevailing advice given to the American public about diet in the […]
The importance of protein
July 12, 2013
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The importance of protein by Dr. Larry Wilson — Proteins are the most amazing group of molecules in the human body. They are made up of incredibly complex chains of smaller molecules, called amino acids. These strings of amino acids are then folded into complicated shapes to create millions of critical body components. Proteins include […]
Do mastectomies prevent breast cancer?
July 8, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — It is almost fashionable now in Hollywood to preempt a possible diagnosis of breast cancer in the future with a radical mastectomy — prophylactic removal of both breasts. Does it work? The scientific data do not match the hype. A tiny percentage of American men and women are thought to carry […]
Trimethylglycine (TMG) to the Rescue
June 1, 2013
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people believe or were taught that diet alone provides adequate nutrition and that we do not need to take nutritional supplements. I, too, believed this at one time. However, years of experience as a physician proved me wrong. Our food supply today is low in nutrients — even the […]
Ways to curb your sugar craving
February 26, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Food and sugar cravings are a dieter’s dilemma. You might reduce your caloric intake, but get shaky because you are not eating enough. The consequent dip in your blood sugar level then causes you to crave a sugared food. Your brain tells your body, “Give me sugar, now!” So you […]
Infection Prevention
August 17, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — Many people are concerned about the growing threat of infections that seemingly strike at random and do not respond well to drugs. These include: MRSA (Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus), the flesh-eating bacteria that has recently been in the news, and new strains of drug-resistant sexually transmitted diseases. Basic principles of infections […]
Sleep for weight loss, good health and a long life
August 16, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Restful sleep is a must for health, vitality, longevity and fat loss. Researchers have found that sleeping as few as four hours a night interferes with your ability to secrete and regulate hormones, which, in turn, promotes aging, increases appetite and risk of diabetes, and adds inches to your waistline. Lack […]
How to thrive when traveling
August 11, 2012
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by Dr. Alan Christianson — People often put off initiating or maintaining positive health changes because of perceived obstacles, such as travel. The good news is that, with some advance planning and a little effort, it really is not that difficult to stay healthy and energized on the road. So you have currently been taking […]
Radiant skin
July 10, 2012
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by Dr. Renee Waldman — The skin is the body’s largest organ — each human adult has a total surface area of about 10 square feet of skin, or approximately six pounds of skin cells. Our skin serves to protect us from the constant onslaught of environmental stressors in various ways. Not only does it […]
Releasing Traumas
May 11, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson – Traumatic events can be the primary cause of physical and mental illness. This article will discuss how traumas take hold and offers an effective method for trauma release. What are traumas? Traumas are incidents or events of a physical and/or emotional nature that can be so stressful to people that […]
December 7, 2015
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