by Dr. Larry Wilson — To function your best, I recommend adding some basic food supplements to your diet. They are trimethylglycine, kelp, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin D3, calcium, magnesium, zinc, selenium and a powerful digestive enzyme. Other food supplements may be helpful; however, the ones listed above are most crucial. Supplements are needed today […]
Tag Archives: digestive enzymes
Stomach pain: Where does it come from?
September 27, 2012
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by Dr. Jane Hendricks — There are two primary types of stomach pain. There is nausea, reflux and burning, which is usually felt in the upper GI. And there is cramping, which comes from the lower intestines. This occurs when the stomach and the first portion of your small intestine become irritated, due to over-acidity […]
ABM mushroom extract is powerful medicine
September 1, 2012
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by Dr. Frank George — In the 1960s, researchers visited the São Paulo, area in Brazil and discovered that the longevity rate was disproportionately high. People there were very healthy and living well beyond 100 years. Their secret was the simple ABM mushroom, Agaricus blazei murill. The ABM mushroom is the strongest of the medicinal […]
Eating fresh
August 15, 2012
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by Jacque Miller — The secret to eating fresh is to buy locally grown foods. Today, organic food has grown into a $14 billion business and is the fastest growing segment of the grocery industry. Many of our neighborhood grocery stores have sections in the produce department devoted to locally grown organic food. Farmers’ markets are […]
November 28, 2013
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