by Dr. Paul Stallone — For a quick and healthy dinner, you decide to bake some salmon, steam asparagus and toss a simple green salad. Nothing fancy, but this meal gets the job done with zero guilt; in fact, you feel rather good about serving it. Three days later you get a migraine. You probably […]
Tag Archives: digestive tract
Everybody poops
April 22, 2013
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by Dee Munsterman — The other day I was having breakfast at Wildflower Bakery where I witnessed a 3 year old and his dad return to their table after having visited the bathroom. The mom asked: “Did you go poo poo?” The little boy happily exclaimed, “Yes!” Mom high-fived him and they all proceeded […]
Keep it simple
November 29, 2012
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by Dr. Melenie Dunn — If you have a car, you likely fill your gas tank when it nears empty. You change the oil every 3,000 miles or so. You rotate the tires. These are considered common-sense habits that will maintain the excellent function of your car for as long as possible. Now, apply these […]
What is wrong with my stomach?
October 4, 2012
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by Dr. J. Michael Pece — Clostridium difficile, also known as C. difficile or “C diff,” is a spore-forming bacteria that can be part of the normal intestinal flora in as many as 50 percent of children under the age of 2 and less frequently in children older than 2 years of age. The major […]
Foods and therapies can heal
August 16, 2012
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by Reuel Ari — A growing awareness about healthy living is taking hold across the country. The evidence is clear, from the many practitioners who are teaching a healthier way of living, to the presence of new vegan/vegetarian restaurants — even 100-percent raw/living foods café. We are reawakening to a wave of consciousness that is […]
Aloe vera: A cure all?
August 5, 2012
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by Becky (R.L.) Coffield — Who has not reached for aloe vera lotion or gel to ease the pain of a burn? This amazing plant’s medicinal properties extend well beyond being a balm for burns, however. Found in many homes and yards here in the Southwest, the aloe vera plant, actually an herb, is brimming […]
Are food allergies causing your symptoms?
March 5, 2012
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by Dr. Tara Peyman — You may be allergic to one or more foods and not even know it. We can develop an inflammatory, allergic response to the foods we eat — even healthy foods can cause symptoms. This inflammatory response can lead to headaches, fatigue, digestive problems, skin rashes, mood disorders, autoimmune conditions and […]
Probiotics: Bacteria to promote your health
February 29, 2012
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by Dr. Robin Terranella — Probiotics are bacteria consumed for health benefits. “Biotic” means life and “pro” means promoting or for; therefore, these bacteria “promote life” or are “for life.” It may seem strange to consume bacteria in the hope of promoting health, but that is exactly what is done with probiotics. Most people use […]
Keys to gut health
February 26, 2012
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by Dr. Denise Grobe — You have probably heard that probiotics are good for you, but do you know why? It is because these microorganisms in the digestive tract not only improve the function of the digestive system, but overall health as well. The most common of these microorganisims are bifidobacteria and lactobacillus. Probiotics have […]
June 12, 2013
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