Treating the elusive MARConS infection by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Dr. Ritchie Shoemaker, a medical doctor from Pokomoke, Maryland, is an outside-of-the-box thinker. He has almost single-handedly awakened the medical community to the problem of “water intrusions” in the body, which can lead to mold(s) forming where the intrusion occurs, and then moving into your […]
Tag Archives: Dr. Nicholas Meyer
Your amazing mouth
January 11, 2016
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Your amazing mouth by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — The mouth is an amazing part of the body’s anatomy. We explore our world for the first year of life with our mouths. It is a major source of seeding the microbiome that will become a part of us for both good and bad. We chew our […]
What you eat affects your teeth
December 2, 2015
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What you eat affects your teeth by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — How does what you eat affect your dental health and overall health? This topic is a book in and of itself, but this short article reflects my approach. Consider that the tooth is the hardest structure within the human body, and once gone, it […]
Teeth — what are they?
July 8, 2015
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Teeth — what are they? by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — It turns out that this simple question about what teeth are has a very complex answer. We all view teeth differently, depending on our upbringing and point of view. Some people view teeth purely from a utilitarian perspective — in other words, how they function […]
Are you putting off an appointment?
April 18, 2015
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Are you putting off an appointment? by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Many times during the course of a week, people enter our dental practice seeking a “quick fix.” They come in with excuses like, “Well, this is my busy time of the year, so it has been hard to make time to come in.” At […]
Why your child’s sleep habits matter
March 19, 2015
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Why your child’s sleep habits matter by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — It may be hard to believe, but the fact that breathing is fundamental to life is becoming more widely acknowledged. It is humorous to even think about that statement, but the truth is that poor sleeping/breathing habits, which include snoring — or worse — […]
Advances in dentistry
December 8, 2014
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Advances in dentistry by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — This expression comes to mind: It is not your granddaddy’s dentistry anymore. Today, so much more is known as to why we lose teeth, but we really do not have to lose them, except by chance or choice. Lack of dental hygiene and traumatic incidents lead the […]
Medically oriented dentistry
November 19, 2014
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Medically oriented dentistry by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — In general, modern dentistry makes for a pleasant experience. Modern dentistry also uses materials that can be very challenging to the human immune system. In fact, some materials commonly used in dentistry are so harmful to individuals with reduced immune systems that dentistry can actually cause death. […]
The whys of gum recession
October 17, 2014
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The whys of gum recession by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Are you getting “long in the tooth?” If so, this can be a very serious, multi-causal issue of bone loss around the teeth. Gum recession can be as minor in size as the edge of a fingernail to a whopping full-root exposure that makes you […]
Teeth grinding — is it an autoimmune disease?
August 28, 2014
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Teeth grinding — is it an autoimmune disease? by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — What do teeth grinding and autoimmune diseases have in common? Teeth grinding is the aggressive wear of the enamel and dentin from one jaw to the opposing jaw’s tooth structures. Autoimmune diseases are essentially dysfunctions in which your body attacks itself as […]
Banish canker sores and herpetic lesions
June 14, 2014
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Banish canker sores and herpetic lesions by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — These pesky sores of the mouth can also manifest within the nasal passages. The sores are caused by the herpes simplex I virus. This virus infects many Americans, and it surfaces during times of stress. Stress can be physical (too much sun), emotional or […]
New teeth in an hour
April 19, 2014
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New teeth in an hour by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — Perhaps you have seen the ads or have heard of someone who had this procedure. So, what is it? It is quite the miracle. Imagine, walking into a dental office and relatively soon thereafter walking out with a new set of teeth. Is it too […]
Natural relaxation in a dental experience
February 26, 2014
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by Dr. Nicholas Meyer — A recent development in hi-tech, natural relaxation therapy virtually guarantees deep relaxation during your dental treatment. By using a combination of sound (audio) therapy, cranial-electro stimulation with microcurrent, special nutriceuticals and visual field blinders, your nervous system can be calmed in minutes, as never before. You can be certain […]
March 2, 2016
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