by Bruce L. Hodgman — Emerging entrepreneurs absolutely must have access to capital in order to identify their prospects and achieve their goals. While many other tools and skills are indispensable to entrepreneurial success, the ability to access capital when required is supreme among them. One of the many ways the U.S. Small Business Administration […]
Tag Archives: entrepreneurs
Know the score: help for Arizona entrepreneurs
November 14, 2012
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by Bruce Hodgman — Aspiring entrepreneurs often wonder where they can turn for help with their small business idea or problem. What are the first steps I should take? How do I market this product? How should I handle this problem? What is the best way to grow a business? If you are not afraid […]
Competition or colleagues?
September 15, 2012
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by Laura Orsini — In spite of the popularity of movies like The Secret and our growing understanding of the law of attraction, many business owners still get caught up in the idea of “smashing the competition.” For some, it’s just that old competitive spirit at work — the inner drive to win at any […]
February 5, 2013
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