Preventative health and essential oils by Carol E. Gutierrez — The focus of the new health care reform is on preventative health and maintaining wellness. The cost of health care is rising as the population is aging, and the majority of health care dollars are spent in the last one to two years of life. […]
Tag Archives: essential oils
Essential oils to the rescue
April 7, 2014
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Essential oils to the rescue by Carol E. Gutierrez — Living well through healthy lifestyle choices is surely the right thing to do, though not always easy. Temptations come from many types of cravings and in terms of diet, particularly with the myriad additives in food, water and beverages. When we hear on TV that […]
Buyer beware when purchasing essential oils
October 6, 2012
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by Carol E. Gutierrez — Not all essential oils are created equal. The quality of an essential oil depends on the growing conditions, crop yield, distillation process, and integrity of the distiller and supplier. Essential oils are really not oils at all, but plant extracts, so if you place a drop of essential oil on […]
Es-“scent”-ials for pregnancy
August 13, 2012
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by Marci Cagen — Aromatherapy is a safe, nurturing way to promote happiness and a sense of well-being, while also easing some of the discomforts of pregnancy. Although some precautions must be taken when choosing which scents to use, a number of essential oils are safe during pregnancy. Aromatherapy is a great way to bring […]
Tips to detox the body
February 29, 2012
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by Paula Owens — There are 116 synthetic compounds lurking in the body of each average American, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We are exposed to toxins from various sources such as food additives and preservatives, dry cleaners, digestive distress, nonorganic foods, our environment, synthetic supplements, pesticides and chemicals. What you […]
August 13, 2014
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