Fresh greens and vegetables — the key to health by Stan Kalson — Spring brings an abundance of fresh vegetables at local stores and farmers’ markets, making it easier for the health-conscious to choose lighter meals to satisfy nutritional requirements. Many people overcook the majority of their food and neglect the important raw greens and […]
Tag Archives: farmers’ markets
A great season for the farmers’ markets
October 31, 2014
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A great season for the farmers’ markets\ by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The local farmers’ markets are back in full swing, marketing fresh locally grown organic fruits and vegetables directly to consumers. Just ask and the farmers will explain how the food is grown and educate you about how to prepare it. This marketing method […]
Quick tips for healing at home
September 5, 2013
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by Holly Reese — If you want to live a healthier life but do not know where to begin, the following are some hints to help you get started. Go through your cleaning supplies, body products and cosmetics, and replace all the toxic chemicals with natural products. Filter your tap water, especially from chlorine and […]
Cool summer salads for hot summer nights
August 27, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Summer is here in full blast — high heat, humidity and dust. But, on the positive side, it is a time when great, cooling salads are entirely welcome with our meals. Our local farmers’ markets still offer great vegetables and a wonderful selection of fresh fruits to choose from. With […]
Dinner will be served on the patio tonight
June 14, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Early summer is a wonderful time of year to use our patios, especially if we have ceiling fans to move the air and keep the bugs away. The nighttime temperatures are lovely and make the outdoors a peaceful, fun place to eat and enjoy the evening. Keep the lights dim […]
Time to store the big soup pot
May 26, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Spring is finally here, and as we head closer to the hot summer months, the foods we want to eat change drastically. The pots for hot soups are put away until cooler weather and the menus we consider tend to lean more toward the fresh fruits and vegetables of the […]
Soup to warm your body when it is cold outside
March 26, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — In Arizona, we are now enjoying that short season in our state known as winter. The snowbirds are wearing their shorts and sitting by the pool, but it is very cold for us full-time residents, as our bodies are unaccustomed to the lower temperatures. We need and crave something to […]
Vote with your forks
July 13, 2012
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by Lynn O’Neill — In this country, there are stirrings of a quiet revolution when it comes to how we think about and purchase our food. People are starting to “vote with their forks,” a term coined by farmer and writer, Wendell Berry, and made more recently famous by Michael Pollan in his book The […]
November 22, 2014
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