WebMD partners with FDA by Mary Budinger — WebMD announced a partnership in December 2008, with the FDA to distribute FDA consumer health news and alerts on WebMD’s Internet and print outlets. The FDA’s consumer health site gets just 130,000 viewers a month, while WebMD gets almost 50 million. “We are enthusiastic about this collaboration […]
Tag Archives: FDA
FDA labels “gluten-free”
November 26, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has issued the first standards for what food companies can label as “gluten-free.” Until now, manufacturers have been able to use their own discretion as to how much gluten they include. Gluten-free products will have to contain less than 20 parts per million of gluten. […]
GE salmon: a precedent-setting approval
March 22, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — Despite some 400,000 public comments opposing genetically engineered (GE) salmon, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced on December 26, 2012, that it is prepared to give transgenic salmon its final stamp of approval. The FDA issued a positive environmental assessment and a preliminary “finding of no significant impact.” The public […]
Most Americans are unhappy with FDA
September 23, 2012
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According to an April 2007 survey by the Consumer Reports National Research Center, most U.S. citizens are extremely dissatisfied with the Food and Drug Administration. A telephone survey of 1,026 American adults revealed that they felt the FDA to be alarmingly out of touch with the concerns of the American people. Some of the most […]
FDA admits mercury fillings may be unsafe
September 7, 2012
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In a dramatic reversal, the FDA has modified its long-standing assertion that mercury in dental fillings is completely harmless. This comes in the wake of a class-action lawsuit settlement in June 2008. Amalgam fillings have a silver color and are about 50 percent mercury. They release toxic mercury vapors into the mouth which are absorbed […]
FDA bans BPA in baby bottles
September 2, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — The Federal Food and Drug Administration (FDA) announced July 17, 2012, that baby bottles and sippy cups can no longer contain bisphenol-A (BPA), the plastic chemical that was banned three years ago by Canada for use in baby bottles. The American Chemistry Council asked the FDA to phase out rules allowing […]
Everybody eats, but do we know what?
March 20, 2012
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by Eric Herm — As humans, we tend to forget our bond with the rest of nature’s living creatures. Despite our magical ability to drive shiny automobiles, don the latest fashions, construct extravagant cities or make full use of opposable thumbs, we are really no different than the rest of nature — we all eat, […]
Community forums, scientists criticize FDA
March 5, 2012
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The need to “fix the FDA” tops the list for government reforms, according to an unusual community forum in Tempe, Ariz., moderated by Dr. Martha Grout. Some 250 people gathered at the Southwest Institute of Healing Arts (SWIHA) on December 28, 2008, to discuss health care reform. The meeting was in response to the Obama […]
Frito-Lay taken to court over GMOs
March 1, 2012
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A class-action lawsuit has been brought against Frito-Lay, alleging that the company misleads consumers when it says its Tostitos® and SunChips® are “made with all-natural ingredients,” although these products contain genetically modified organisms (GMOs). (In this case, the GMOs are the oils.) According to the claim, “The reasonable consumer assumes that seeds created by swapping […]
Natural Thyroid Care
February 27, 2012
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by Dr. Larry Wilson — The thyroid gland is not large, but it functions as the “spark plugs” of the body, giving a person plenty of energy for every bodily activity. Thyroid problems are among the most prevalent health disorders. Hypothyroidism. The most common thyroid condition is called hypothyroidism, or a low-functioning thyroid. Symptoms often […]
Health updates: Environmental exposure and ractopamine
February 27, 2012
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The following is information regarding environmental exposure and arthritis, and information about a drug pumped into animals days before slaughtering. Environmental exposure can trigger arthritis The links between autoimmune diseases, infections and the environment are complex and mysterious. Spondyloarthropathies, a group of common inflammatory rheumatic disorders, appear to be triggered by environmental factors. Unlike osteoarthritis, […]
Health updates: Exercising and vitamin C
February 24, 2012
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The following is information regarding a new study that shows how making slight changes to the order of your daily exercise routine can dramatically improve your end results, plus the FDA’s crackdown on injectable vitamin C. Exercising in the morning before eating is best A new study suggests that exercising in the morning, before eating, […]
FDA, Dementias and Alzheimer’s will increase fivefold in next 40 years
February 24, 2012
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by Mary Budinger — The Alzheimer’s Association projects that between 2010 and 2050, the total cost of care for Americans age 65 and older with Alzheimer’s disease will increase fivefold, from $172 billion to $1.08 trillion per year. These dollar amounts represent the direct cost of care to all payers, including Medicare, Medicaid, out-of-pocket costs […]
June 2, 2014
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