by Kathleen Bryant — Like its symbol, the lotus, the practice of yoga unfolds a petal at a time. Asana, the physical posture of yoga, comprises only one of eight limbs or aspects of yoga. The others include ethical behavior, personal disciplines, breath and energy work, and progressive levels of concentration and meditation. Many Westerners […]
Tag Archives: flexibility
The ins and outs of your neck
August 14, 2013
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by Roxann Christensen — Before taking a single class in bodywork, I offered to gently massage the neck of a woman who was in obvious pain. A few minutes later, she spoke excitedly about the sudden improvement in her vision. Without the knowledge to understand her response at the time, I was surprised by her […]
Helping kids help themselves by using yoga
August 11, 2013
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by Jennifer Schaecher — There has been lots of talk lately about yoga and its myriad benefits. Strength, flexibility, balance, relaxation and energy — you can experience all of them through the practice of yoga. But, you can get even more out of it if you invite the kids to participate, too. A few schools […]
Fibromyalgia, fibrin and proteolytic enzymes
May 26, 2013
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by Betsy Timmerman — It has long been known that people with chronic muscle pain or fibromyalgia have more fibrin in their tissues and blood. This fibrin, while initially helpful in the early stages of healing after an injury, can become problematic if the body does not clear itself of the agent after it has […]
Exercise — a fountain of youth for aging bodies
May 6, 2013
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by Brenda McDermott — Talk to any group of older people and chances are you will often hear a long list of stories about bodies that, once young and strong, are now betraying their owners. Many who are less healthy than they once were may even be facing a loss of independence. The bottom line […]
Our body’s shock absorbers
April 12, 2013
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by Roxann Christensen — How are your ankles doing today? If you do not know, try these tests: Put your hand on a counter for balance. Bend your right knee, lifting your right foot off the ground. Now wiggle your leg back and forth. Does your foot wiggle independently from your leg? It should. It […]
Rolfing® — A holistic approach to health
March 8, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — What does rolfing do that other complementary therapies do not? Why is it considered holistic? Rolfing is more than a feel-good or fix-it alternative therapy. When connective tissue has been injured through accidents or invaded and cut via surgery, its nature is to create more connective tissue in the damaged area. […]
Why Rofling®? Some questions and answers
March 3, 2013
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by Deanna Melnychuk — Although rolfing is a modality that has been in use for years, misperceptions still abound. The following are answers to commonly asked questions about rolfing. Q: Is rolfing important for everyone or does it only benefit those who have been in an accident or had surgery? A: While rolfing is extremely […]
The straw that broke the camel’s back — Principles of manual therapy
March 1, 2013
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by Tony Liker — Many people experience back and/or neck pain. The apparent causes vary widely — sports injuries, automobile accidents, falls, lifting, bending, etc. Yet, each person has his or her own unique history of injury, trauma and stress underlying the apparent cause. Each time the body sustains a stress or injury, tension may […]
Using ozone for healing
February 19, 2013
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by Dr. Paul Stallone — Either by firsthand experience or through the grapevine, you may be familiar with Prolozone, a remarkable, natural treatment that can permanently treat most joint pain and degenerative joint disease. If you have done any research on Prolozone, the name Frank Shallenberger, M.D., may sound familiar. He pioneered the treatment and […]
Why you should massage your children
December 20, 2012
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by Tiffany Kuehn — What would life be like if at birth, after exiting the softness and safety of the mother’s womb into the external world, newborns received a full body massage? What if every little part of the tiny baby was touched and soothed by the external world into which they were thrust? Imagine […]
Myofascial Release may be your answer
November 27, 2012
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by Bill and Susan Jacques — Are you looking for a specialized form of hands-on manual treatment to reclaim postural balance, stretch out tight muscles, and facilitate the healing of many acute and chronic pain conditions? These conditions may include, but are not limited to, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue syndrome, TMJ, neck and back pain; adhesions […]
Your amuse system lightens the workload
November 23, 2012
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by Karen Lee — According to Jody Urquhart, an expert in the field of humor and health, fun is productive. Imagine a work world where people love their work environment, and they are calm, stress-free and happy all day long. People who are in good spirits are more likely to be productive. Their mental attitude […]
October 1, 2013
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