by Pamela Davis — Homeopathy is a safe, effective and inexpensive solution for many first-aid conditions and its treatments belong in every home’s first-aid kit. They also are a must for every hiker, backpacker and camper’s equipment. Homeopathy can be the answer in an emergency situation. Take the case of someone who, while working in […]
Tag Archives: food poisoning
Digestion: GERD is a very common problem
February 20, 2013
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by Dr. Mona Morstein — Last year, Pharmacy Times published a list of the top-selling pharmacy drugs for 2010, and Nexium®, a proton-pump inhibitor used to treat gastroesophageal reflux disorder (GERD), or heartburn, was in the number two spot. The sales of Nexium brought in more than 6 billion dollars to AstraZeneca, the pharmaceutical company […]
The healing powers of estafiate
January 5, 2013
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by Kiva Rose — They have come from all over to learn the medicine of this restored river canyon. On a guided plant walk through the lush river woodland, they point to vines, twisting tree trunks and bright flowers, inquiring about the use of each. The rich smell of cottonwood leaves and wild mint mingles […]
Health updates: Soda fountains and memory loss
February 26, 2012
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The following is new information regarding the sanitary conditions of fast food restaurant soda fountains and reversing memory loss with physical exercise. Fecal bacteria found in nearly half of fast food soda fountains A recent study has revealed that a full 48 percent of soda fountains at fast food restaurants contain coliform bacteria — a […]
May 19, 2013
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