by Dr. Tricia Pingel — More than 74 million Americans suffer from high blood pressure, according to the American Heart Association. And as any person who is diagnosed with high blood pressure can tell you — it is frightening. Once diagnosed, many patients are placed on medications, such as diuretics. These medications deplete the body […]
Tag Archives: fruits
Tricks to make produce last longer
June 22, 2013
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — The following are some helpful hints to make your produce last longer.. Cut the bottoms off of asparagus, put upright in a glass of water, cover with a plastic bag and store in your fridge. Store onions in old pantyhose to keep them fresh for up to eight months. Tie […]
Juicing vegetables the correct way
April 23, 2013
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by Mary Budinger — After the award-winning documentary “Fat, Sick & Nearly Dead” became available from Netflix in mid-2011, juicers started showing up in people’s kitchens, big time. In the film, Australian entrepreneur Joe Cross decided to take charge of his health by juicing vegetables and fruits for 60 days. He dropped about 80 pounds […]
Keeping your cool
August 13, 2012
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by Khayriyyah Savannah — As the summer sun heats up, it is time to tune in to the body’s signals for staying cool on the inside. Signs of internal heat (inflammation) can range from headaches and sore muscles, to anger and impatience. Nurturing your natural balance of fluids or moisture (yin) can help you keep […]
Cutting back on carbs for the carbohydrate-sensitive athlete
February 25, 2012
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by Karen Langston — Whether you are a runner or a bodybuilder, as an athlete you require quality protein, essential fats and complex carbohydrates from grains, fruits and vegetables. Or, that is what most experts, books and magazines catering to the average population recommend. But what if you are gluten intolerant or sensitive to wheat? […]
Springtime at the farmers’ market
February 24, 2012
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Spring is a spectacular time of year at your local farmers’ market. The array is colorful, and there are a wide variety of organic fruits and vegetables to get creative with. You will find a wonderful selection of baby lettuces that are delicious with just a spritz of lemon juice […]
Where did all the farmers’ markets go?
February 23, 2012
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by Bob McClendon — Every summer, as the temperature starts to rise and we begin to wind down at the farmers’ markets, we get the same question: “Why don’t you sell during the summer?” This is a good question and is asked by many. In recent years, farmers’ markets have become very popular all across […]
June 29, 2013
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