The challenges of living gluten free by Christine Martin — We hear a lot today about gluten-free foods. Until recently, we never saw special menus in restaurants or a designated gluten-free area of the grocery store aisle. People initially may think it is a passing fad, something that medical professionals dreamed up so that businesses […]
Tag Archives: gluten-free diet
Gluten-free: Not just for celiacs
September 17, 2013
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Pancakes made without wheat? Quinoa croquettes? A hamburger bun made from rice flour? Adzuki bean brownies? Question: Who would choose such unusual foods? Answer: Someone who is trying to eat a gluten-free diet. In case you have not been in a health food store recently, “wheat-free/gluten-free” is a new way to […]
Is a gluten-free diet in your future?
March 1, 2013
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by Marianne Crafts-Brandner — Is someone you know on a gluten-free diet? It is quite possible that person has celiac disease, an intolerance to gluten that causes damage to the intestine. Gluten is found in the following grains: wheat, rye, barley and wheat-related grains such as triticale, kamut and spelt. Oats, although they do not […]
Legumes: peas, beans and lentils — the new carbohydrate
December 23, 2012
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by Dorothy Krupnick — Peas, beans and lentils have been a nutritious staple for thousands of years. The remnants of these foodstuffs, also called pulses or legumes, have been found in ancient settlements in Egypt, Peru and East Indian civilizations. They are the edible seeds of plants, which are high in soluble fiber and protein, […]
What do you mean I have to eat gluten-free?
December 12, 2012
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by Joanne Henning Tedesco — Switching to a gluten-free diet means making changes in your pantry, in the foods you buy and in the recipes you use. It is also a lot of trial and error, but remember, if the foods you choose are fresh vegetables or protein eaten plain, raw or cooked simply, they […]
Living with celiac disease
September 2, 2012
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by Dr. Tricia Pingel — We are seeing an upswing in the availability of gluten-free products. Whether it is in the grocery store or at a restaurant, the options for maintaining a gluten-free diet have increased, compared to just a few years ago. Gluten is a common name for the proteins found in all forms […]
Follow your gut: it may be celiac
March 5, 2012
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by Heather Demeritte — You visit the doctor because you are suffering from abdominal bloating, chronic diarrhea and constipation, and extreme fatigue. Your doctor diagnoses you with irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) — but is it really IBS? If your gut feeling tells you to visit another doctor for a second opinion, follow that internal instinct. […]
December 28, 2014
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