by Courtney Pineau — Genetically modified organisms (GMOs) are plants or animals created through the gene-splicing techniques of biotechnology. These are organisms that would never occur naturally. Many health risks are associated with GMOs, but I keep them out of my home because I have no interest in feeding my family experimental foods. The studies […]
Tag Archives: GMO
Just say no to GMOs — what you need to know
April 12, 2012
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by Paula Owens — Genetically modified (GM) foods are derived from genetically modified organisms (GMOs), which are formulated in a laboratory where genes are taken from one species and inserted into another, in an attempt to obtain a desired characteristic or trait. Often referred to as Frankenfoods, GMOs are chemical-laden seeds that alter and disrupt […]
Everybody eats, but do we know what?
March 20, 2012
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by Eric Herm — As humans, we tend to forget our bond with the rest of nature’s living creatures. Despite our magical ability to drive shiny automobiles, don the latest fashions, construct extravagant cities or make full use of opposable thumbs, we are really no different than the rest of nature — we all eat, […]
Unlabeled GMO salmon debated
February 25, 2012
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Massachusetts-based AquaBounty Technologies is producing a salmon in a contained fresh water culture facility that grows twice as fast as conventional salmon. The company takes a growth gene from Chinook salmon and a “promoter” gene from another fish called ocean pout to the promoter gene turns on the Chinook salmon growth gene, according to John […]
Lifting the cloud of depression
February 23, 2012
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by Gracelyn Guyol — In 2002, within 48 hours of taking three milligrams of fish oils daily, my life-long bouts with depression vanished. It was the thrilling finale to my search for a natural solution to bipolar disorder. Nineteen million people suffer from depression in the United States. Major depression is the leading cause of […]
Congress wants to classify pizza as a vegetable
February 22, 2012
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In an absurd attempt to counter Federal regulations that greatly limit the amount of junk food that can be served as part of government-funded school lunch programs, the U.S. Congress has proposed a new spending bill that will classify pizza as a vegetable. Reports indicate that the bill allows two tablespoons of tomato paste to […]
August 11, 2012
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